"I was born this way," he whispered back.

"I'll bet," she giggled.

"Plus...how else do you think I got you in bed?"

"Funny," she groaned against his lips.


I, Mackinley Lesdie was no longer a virgin. I'd finally given it up. YAY! (Insert victory dance here). I felt no lost or sadness. I felt happier than ever. It hurt just a tiny bit but it was manageable. Dean kissed me, his kisses making me feel...HOT! I could definitely get used to this.

He rolled on top of me. I had never since I met him seen his eyes so light and open with clear joy. I was making him happy.

No duh! You're naked in front of him, that would make any guy "happy" my mother's voice rang in my head sarcastically. I was getting pretty sick of my "/mother's voice." Although I think mama would be happy I'd lost my V-card to a Winchester. To Dean-Freakin' Winchester. Okay, that was weird. Really weird.

"I think we should have hamburgers for breakfast," I whispered against Dean's lips.

"Yeah?" he seemed very interested in my neck. Placing gently kisses along my collarbone.

"It's your favourite meal. And if god-forbid it is your last meal, I want it to be your favourite,"

"How...sweet?" he chuckled, "but only after I taste you."

"Taste?" I questioned, as he kissed along my chest.

"You mean your ex never..." Dean looked horrified, "douche,"


Everyone knew. The way they were looking at me. With disappointment (From Bobby and Ellen), pure bitchy hatred (who else but Jo) and Sam, well Sam just shrugged.

"Dean, you've really out done yourself. I didn't think you were low enough to pay for sex," Jo said with a nasty smirk.

I dropped the cup of coffee that I was going to give Sam. The mug smashed and coffee burnt my bare legs. I barely felt the pain.

My level of dislike for Jo had now gone for level 5 to level 10. This was not good. I mean, how dare she say something like that to me?

"Oh Bobby," I grabbed some kitchen towels and started clearing the spreading coffee.

"I'm so sorry," I picked up shards of mug and put them in the bin.

"It was an accident," Bobby said softly, "it's fine."

Once I'd cleared the mess I'd made, had Jo make three more snide sex remarks and heard Dean tell her to shut her yapper. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut up," I cleanched my fists and looked Jo in her blue eyes. I was glad Ellen was still getting ready, so she wouldn't have to hear her daughter acting like a mean bitch.

"I have had enough of your horrible-ness towards me. You are a nasty bitch-forgive me for my language. You better me glad I took anger management in my teens otherwise I would've already kicked your flat ass already. When I was twelve a boy made a comment about my breasts," Bobby and Sam reddened. While Jo glared at her glass still listening. Dean stared, almost proudly? at my boobs.

"I broke his nose and his finger. That was when my family moved I went to my great-grandaddy's Private school and become a nice, sweet child. It took me years to be better and not take out my anger on everybody."

"Is there a point to this incredibly crappy story?" Jo asked with a bored expression.

"The point is Jo," I smiled slightly and crossed my arms, "If you don't shut the fuck up and stop making nasty comments that angry kid I used to be is gonna re-surface. And trust me I won't have to dig deep to get her. Watch out."

I turned the gas on and started frying hamburgers. I could hear Jo huffing and sulking like a child. Dean laughed, such a musical tone, I was rooted to the spot for a second. I smiled and found myself joining in.


Dean didn't want me to come along because obviously there was a 99.99999999999(alot more nines)% chance any of could die. That meant a very slim chance of any of us living. That was why Bobby wasn't coming with us. Smart right?

Mama would be smacking my arm saying something along the line of "you are the most stupid child I have. And have you met Mags?"

Maybe I was stupid. But I was not going to abandon Dean, or Sam Winchester.

I hugged Bobby, we all know he's not one for affection. But who are we kidding I loved hugs.

"If I die today, I just want you to know. Bobby you are a very nice grumpy man," I smiled and got in the car.

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