Chapter 8:

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One week passed and we were in Health and Safety, my favourite subject because of the nice atmosphere.

We greeted the teacher and started, my eyes began to feel droopy. I had 0% of sleep last night as i was up messaging Jungkook .

He became one of my closest guy friends who didnt have a crush on me, and that was hard to find. Those type of guys you know you have to keep.

"We are going to put your work into an exam.." the class groaned, once again we were going to have an exam from this psychopathic teacher." ..a physical exam."

My eyes shot up , physical camping?? I squeeled inside. Camp was my favourite time of the year , we were gone for a week to explore nature.

" but... i have picked your tent buddys. So you dont stay up talking to your friends all night long." As the whole class groaned once more , i could care less. At least going to camp helped me break away from any stress that was with me before and i come back feelijg fresh and relaxed.

"Jungkook and Irene, Yoongi and Mina, Jimin and Sana and Namjoon and Nayeon."

Heck to the nah! I cannot...CANNOT share a tent with HIM! Why couldnt it be Jungkook? Whenever me and Jimin argue i want to rip his intestines out and feed it to the fish.. too harsh?

Jimin looked at me as i looked down , trying to face that fact that i was doomed. He walked up to me as i didnt want to say anything.

"Yah! Why do you look so mad?" He said pointing at me, laughing as i looked him in the eye seriously.

" What? You want me to be happy?" I said , looking down again with my eyes wide. Why oh why? Did Sir want me to die?does he want to chuggalhae?(does he want to die?).

I sighed as i waved him off.


Today was the day of camp, i packed my bags and gave my mother a call but this time she was shocked to hear her daughter call her.

" Im going to camp bye." I said bluntly, i dont like my parents . They like the money they earn more than me, and thats the biggest no no in all parent handbooks.

" aww im going to miss you honey." My mother said over the line, i scoffed.

"What are you going to miss? Its not like you see me anyways because you always working... i dont want to talk so im just going to hang up. Bye." I said and hang up , i sat in a corner and burst into tears.

Why does my parents hate me?, i thought as i tried to put myself together but couldnt. I found it was useless as i just headed to the school gate to meet Jungkook.

He came rushing to me as he realised i heard puffy and red eyes.

"Have you been crying?" He asked while cupping my face with two of his hands, looking into my eyes trying to study it i was or not.

"It's my parents..." i responded and he immediatly pulled me into a hug. He was the only one who understood what happened between me and my parents and how they dont like their daughter.

I couldnt help but break down again , leaving his shirt all soggy. I immediatly apologised and whiped my tears , i carried on walking to the bus that was waiting for me and Jungkook.

As i stepped on i realised all eyes were on me, except for Jimin who was looking through the window, a mixture of sadness and angerin his eyes.

I sat next to him when suddenly he spoke in a raspy voice which sent shivers down my spine.

"Everyone saw your little love scene.." he said still looking threw the window , i looked at him confused.

" First of all : he was comforting me, who some people fail to do. Which is you. And second of all : why does that affect you? Why are you mad?" I asked, generally curious as he looked towards me even angrier than he already was.

Mr Model (BTS FF) ✔ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora