7. Trembling

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"What??? How...? Well, I guess I had good taste then." I say.

She stares at me annoyed and with a bit of disbelief.

"You are seriously saying that now?" She says.
"...I..I'm sorry if I offended you, but you are very beautiful I must say."
"Well, have you got it out of your system now?!"
"Yes." I say a bit intimidated by her tone. "Anne... what did I say or do that made you scared so much you fainted?"
"It's what you said, I mean what you always say to me." She says with a soft voice.
"That you wou... would untie me... i...if I wouldn't run away."

That's when the heavy tears start to flow again and she starts shaking heavily.
I breathe out a breath I didn't know I was holding. And say.

"I must've been the worst person you have ever met, what did I do to you?" My voice is trembling now, just as hers is.

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