Chapter Three: The Trial

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"Where were you on the night of March 3rd?"

Samantha takes a deep breath before biting her lip. She looks to Olivia in the crowd of people watching the trial and when Olivia gives the girl a small smile and a reassuring nod, Samantha answers Barba's question. "I was at a house party with my sister Ashley."

Barba nods at this. "Did you see Brandon Taylor at this party?"

"I don't remember, but I know at least two people said he was."

"Objection!" Defense Attorney John Buchanan interjects, rising from his chair. "Speculation!"

"Your Honor," Barba says, turning to face the honorable judge Colin McNamara sitting behind the bench, "this will be confirmed by our later witnesses."

"Then ask your current witness questions she can actually answer. Sustained."

Barba slightly narrows his eyes and gives the judge a tight-lipped smile, cocking his head to the side a bit as he does so. "Right. Of course, Your Honor."

Barba turns back to face Samantha sitting in the witness stand. "So, you don't remember if Brandon was at the party, correct?"


"Why's that?"

"I... I was drinking a lot that night," Samantha admits, an ashamed look passing over her face.

"Do you drink often?" Barba asks.

"No, I'm not a drinker," Samantha shakes her head.

"So, it's safe to say that because you hardly ever drink, if there's a time that you do drink a sizeable amount, you'd most likely become incapacitated from it?"

"Objection! Leading the witness!" Buchanan shouts.

"How?" Barba questions, striding over to Buchanan's table. "By summarizing basic facts of what typically happens when one drinks alcohol to an excess?"

"Your honor."

"Rephrase," Barba says, walking back towards Samantha. "Do you believe it was the drinking that night that caused you to pass out?"


"Did Brandon Taylor know that you were intoxicated that night?"

"Well, I can't say for certain, but my sister's seen me drunk once before and she says it's obvious when I get drunk. I slur my words, walk funny, stuff like that."

Barba nods. "Do you remember Mr. Taylor taking you outside by the dumpster and kissing you?"

Samantha shakes her head. "No."

"Do you remember having sex with Mr. Taylor?"


"So, it's safe to say that you did not consent to any sexual activities with Mr. Taylor?"

"No, I did not."

"Nothing further," Barba says, sitting down at his table.

Buchanan rises from his chair and strides over to stand in front of Samantha. He gives her an extremely-fake smile and asks, "How are you, Samantha?"

"I'm fine," she says, a little confused. "Well, as fine as I can be after being raped not that long ago."

"Let's revisit that night, shall we?" He asks in a condescending way, causing Barba to roll his eyes. "You say you did not consent to sex with Mr. Taylor, correct?"

"Yes, because I didn't."

"You don't think you did, you mean."

"Is there a question there?" Barba asks in an annoyed tone.

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