"What I want done about what?" Carlisle let out a breath, seeming to prepare himself for something, before he responded.

"The men who attacked you. There are a few options, but I want to know what you want." Evie grimaced slightly, but she forced her thoughts to remain calm. "We can apprehend them and leave them in front of the police station, we could give an anonymous tip to their whereabouts, or we could dispose of them." Evie thought about the three options Carlisle had given her, understanding that whatever she chose would be the end result. A part of her, a rather large part of her, she was ashamed to admit, was leaning toward killing the men. She wanted them gone, punished as they should be, but she knew that that wasn't the correct option. Sighing, Evie turned to face the window, watching silently as the raindrops made paths down the window. In a way, it was a beautiful representation of her current state. The rain was her tears, the sky, overcast and grey, her thoughts, and the howling wind was her conflicting feelings.

'They need to be punished, but they should be punished in the proper way. No one should have the power of life or death over another being, but that was exactly what Carlisle was giving me and I don't like it.' Evie barely blinked before she saw Edward standing in the door way, glancing at her before focusing on Carlisle. She registered the fact that his lips were moving too fast for her to read, so she knew he was speaking with Carlisle. When Edward turned to face her, though, Evie felt herself tense slightly. "Please don't be afraid of me, Evie." Evie's eyes widened almost comically and she shook her head. Edward gave a dark chuckle, understanding that she wasn't afraid of him, but of the conversation that was bound to follow. "You made the right choice. I know it's a hard decision, but we're all really proud of you." Evie couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes, making her glare half-heartedly at Edward. Edward merely chuckled before turning and leaving the room at a human pace. Evie wiped her eyes one last time before jumping up from the bed and walking into the adjoining bathroom. Carlisle followed behind her, not that she minded, and began to brush her hair gently. Doing her best to fix her appearance and make herself presentable, Evie managed to not flinch when she saw the bruises adorning her cheek.

Alice appeared a second later, her makeup bag in tow, and smiled gently at Evie. "I can fix that, if you'd like." Evie only nodded, not trusting her voice, and sat on the toilet seat so Alice could do her makeup. Carlisle stood in the doorway, still not looking away from Evie. In a matter of minutes, Alice had finished putting the makeup on and stepped back. Evie had only flinched once when Alice had pressed on a particularly sore spot, but the short vampire was gentle. Standing, Evie moved to look into the mirror, her eyes examining the spots where she knew the bruises to be, and she couldn't help the small smile as she realized she couldn't see them.

"Thank you, Alice." Her voice was thick with emotion, but she didn't care. Alice smiled at her before prancing out of the room. With one last glance in the mirror, Evie sighed and went back into Carlisle's room. Carlisle sat on the edge of the bed as Evie found a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt to change into. Usually she only used the clothes she had here as comfort for when Alice went a little overboard in her 'human barbie' game. When Evie had finished changing into the clean clothes, she followed Carlisle down to the kitchen, smiling softly as she saw Esme scrambling some eggs.

"I wasn't sure how you like your eggs, and I've found at least ten different ways to make them online, but I figured I'd stick with the simple, scrambled kind. Is that alright? If you don't like them I can make a different type. Or I could make something else entirely if you'd like-" Evie laughed, a real, loud laugh, that made both vampires stare at her in amusement and worry.

"Scrambled eggs is fine, Esme. Please don't worry yourself over food. I'm not that picky." Esme smiled gently at Evie and turned back to the food, humming a soft tune under her breath. Carlisle placed a hand on Evie's back and led her to the table, sitting down beside her.

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