09; Sneaking Out With Angel

Start from the beginning

 "Do you think something has happened to them?" Spencer asked when he walked into the kitchen.

 "I hope not because last time mom left dad did not cope very well," I remembered when we would go to school half an hour late because he was trying to answer calls as well as look after us. I also remembered when he would forget to do the shopping or he would forget us at school and we would have to walk home in the pitch black ourselves. 

 Our mom had left a few times before.

 "I'm going to call dad and see what he says," Spencer walked out of the kitchen and I wrapped the rest of the lasagna in cling film and placed it into the fridge for someone to have for dinner the next day. I followed Spencer out into the hallway and heard him chatting on the phone to dad but he was only on the phone for about five minutes before he hung up.

 "What did he say?"

 "Not much. Just that they won't be home tonight after all, they transferred some more money to your account so you can do grocery shopping tomorrow," he smiled sheepishly. He knew how stressed I was with doing work, looking after Eve and having some sort of down time but there was nothing he could do. When he wasn't doing homework or at school he was working out or at games. He needed a scholarship at a good school and he was doing all he could to get one.

 "I'll go to Walmart tomorrow," I shrugged and walked up to my bedroom. When I got to my room I walked over to my bed and was about to lie down on it when I heard something outside of my window, I had my curtains shut and so I had to draw them before I could tell what it was.

 I tugged my curtain open and nearly screamed aloud when I saw a face on the other side. I only calmed down when I realised that it was Kyle and he was trying to sit on the flat part of roof outside my window and get my attention by knocking on the window. I harshly opened it and almost yelled at him but he placed a hand over my mouth.

 "Don't yell or your brother will come in," he shh'd with a chuckle before letting go of my mouth.

 "Why are you here?" I hissed so that Spencer wouldn't hear that I had a boy in my room.

 "I had an argument with my mom and she kicked me out," he rolled his eyes. "Can we hang out?"

 "It's a school night and I'm looking after Eve," I reminded him. It was a Monday night which meant that Tuesday was looming.

 He sighed dramatically. "Come on, you can't kick me out too. I'll be all alone in the dark," he whined at me.

 I looked around my shoulder at my closed door. "Okay, where do you want to go?" I walked away from the window and twisted the lock on my door so that my brother or sister couldn't just barge in and see I wasn't there.

 "I was thinking we could go for a drive and see where we end up?" He suggested and I agreed with a shrug before grabbing a hoodie from the hook on the back of my door.

 "Sounds good. How do we get down though?" I asked.

 "You have a pretty firm looking trellis down the side of your house," he laughed and shrugged.

 "You have got to be kidding me," I chuckled and grabbed a bag to shove in my phone, purse and my house keys in case we needed any of them. 

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