"I don't believe that is the word I would use, but I will do whatever you'd like." Evie smiled at him, before looking around the room. Her eyes landing on the DVD rack, she looked back at Carlisle, her smile turning into a smirk.

"Have you ever seen Doctor Who?" She asked him. Carlisle let out a chuckle before shaking his head. "Well then you're in luck, because I happen to own seasons 1-7. And that's not including Classic Who." (A/N: I know that the Twilight series takes place in 2005 and, technically, only season 1 would be out, but I don't care… I mean, it's Doctor Who!) Jumping up, Evie managed to make her way to the DVD rack without stumbling. Taking a moment to figure out which doctor she wanted to watch, 'Beautiful eyes, sexy hair, or cool bow tie', before settling on the 11th Doctor. Turning to Carlisle, she was struck with a sudden thought. "Do you know the basics about the show?"

"I've heard of it, briefly. A few of my former co-workers were taken by the show, but other than that, I know nothing." Evie nodded, before placing the 5th season disc back on the DVD rack, and grabbed the 1st season. She wanted him to at least understand what was going on, so she figured she would start from the beginning. For the next two hours, Evie sat with Carlisle and watched a few episodes with the 9th Doctor. Carlisle seemed to at least follow the storyline, but Evie couldn't tell if he actually liked the show or not. Mostly because he seemed to be watching her more than the television. Occasionally he would ask a question about the show, like why he made a screwdriver sonic, but mostly he would just draw patterns on the back of Evie's hand.

After watching four shows, Evie felt her eyes start drooping slightly, a yawn pulling itself from her lips. Carlisle chuckled at her, before shaking her slightly to pull her from dreamland. "You can't sleep, Evelyn. Not for another few hours, at least." Evie gave him a half-hearted glare, hoping he would take the hint and let her sleep, but the blonde vampire had other things in mind. Letting her hand fall from his, he stood, reached for her hands again, and pulled her to a standing position. Unprepared for the sudden change in position, Evie stumbled into Carlisle, letting her weight rest against his cool body. She couldn't hold back the groan that escaped her lips, the blood rushing to her feet again made her head start pounding. Carlisle looked at her in worry, before she pulled away and carefully made her way upstairs. He followed, curious and worried, as she went into the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet. Pulling out some Tylenol, she popped a few in her mouth and swallowed them. Carlisle gave her an apologetic smile, know understanding, and moved forward to her.

When he was close enough, he gently placed his hands on either side of her face against her temples, letting the cold of his skin help her headache. They stood like that for a few moments before Evie's stomach made itself known. Grimacing at the loud growling that came from her stomach, Evie and Carlisle made their way downstairs and into the kitchen. It was slightly odd watching pure perfection sit at her family's old, rickety table. Evie managed to turn her attention to her growling stomach, instead of staring at the blonde god sitting in her kitchen. Rummaging through the cabinets, Evie decided to make grilled cheese. It only took a few minutes to finish making the sandwich, before grabbing the ketchup and sitting at the table. Allowing herself one last glance at Carlisle, Evie ate her food in silence.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked him. He smiled at her, before leaning closer, resting his elbows on the table.

"I would have to say blue, but I do appreciate green as well." Evie nodded at him. "Yours?"

"I like yellow, or lime green. Any kind of happy color, really."

"What music do you listen too?" He asked her.

"I'll listen to anything, really. It depends on my mood, I guess." Evie told him, before frowning slightly. "Except rap music. I can't stand rap." Carlisle laughed at her words. "What about you?"

Grey Skies and Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now