For her part, Rosalie waited a few minutes before she began to speak. "This isn't a life I would condemn on anyone, not even my worst enemies, but we have to live with the hand we are dealt. Or, in our case, exist. You should know that while we may be scary to you, we used to be human as well, and none of us had a choice when it came to becoming a vampire. I'm not saying I'd want you to become like us, just the opposite, actually, but you already mean so much to all of us. None of us want to lose you, by your own choice or by accident. So just know that we will give you the space you need, but you're family, so please make sure you make the decision that is right for you, not for us." The look on Rosalie's face was hard to read, but from the look in her eyes, Evie could tell that she wasn't used to feeling this way. Unable to think of anything to say to make this better, Evie sighed and turned back to the front, watching the darkened sky.

Once her house came into view, Evie unbuckled her seatbelt, but made no move to exit the car. Instead, she turned in her seat to face the beautiful, blonde vampire. Looking her in the eyes, Evie gathered the courage needed. "When I met you all those years ago, even for the short amount of time we were together, all of you changed my life. Whether it was for the better or not, I have yet to find out, but I can guarantee that you are part of my family as well. I don't know what to think of the whole vampire thing yet, but I just need time to think, and I can't do that while around you all. Please, tell him I'm sorry." Evie told her. Rosalie understood the 'him' she was talking about, and nodded at the raven haired girl. At that, Evie exited the car and quietly made her way inside.

Charlie, who had apparently gotten tired, had fallen asleep in his chair with the TV still on. Shaking her head at her father, Evie made her way to her room and put on her pajamas. Going back to the living room, she turned off the television and woke her father up. He had been having long days at work due to the killing going on around the area. Gently shaking his shoulder, she gave him a few moments to take in his surroundings before she helped him out of his chair and led him upstairs. Once he had stepped into his room, Evie went to turn away, but Charlie took her by surprise with a kiss to the top of her head. Smiling at her father, she went back to her room to turn in for the night. Unfortunately, sleep didn't come for a few hours. Her thoughts ran wild with everything she had learned that night and her mixed emotions didn't help anything. What was a human to do?

Calisle POV (Finally!)


Sitting at his mahogany desk, Carlisle read through his latest medical journal for the fifth time. He already had all the information memorized, even if he had already known it before reading the journal, but he still reread it to relieve some of the boredom. It wasn't just the boredom he was looking for a reprieve from, however. It was the loneliness as well. Even though he was constantly surrounded by the six other members of his family, and the Denali's just down the street, Carlisle still felt an overwhelming amount of loneliness that could only be cured by finding his soul mate. At over 350 years old, it was safe to say Carlisle had pretty much given up the hope of ever finding his mate. Sighing quietly to himself, Carlisle shook his head of his negative thoughts and returned to his journal. The sound of Alice gasping had the entire family, including Carlisle, dropping what they were doing and rushing to her side.

"Alice, what's wrong? What do you see?" Jasper asked her. Carlisle looked to Edward, trying to determine if he could understand what Alice was seeing, but Edward just shook his head. It took a few seconds for Alice to come out of her vision, but when she did, she immediately turned to Carlisle and smiled brightly. Unable to contain a chuckle at the vampire in front of him, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, Carlisle sent a questioning glance to Edward. Edward, seemingly as excited as Alice, just smiled at the older vampire and patted him on the shoulder. Before Carlisle could question their behavior, however, Alice threw her hands up in the air and announced what she had seen.

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