Tears Come First ~ chapter 16

Start from the beginning

"But what about--."

Tyler cut me off when he smashed his lips to mine. His lips were warm and soft as they moved with mine. When Tyler pulled away he rested his forehead on mine. "You cannot sit here and tell me you didn't feel anything."

He was right when he kissed me I felt a pull to him and now that he kissed me it only made me want more.  "I can't deny something isn't there because I felt something...but I can't let you in."

"Emma I hate the thought that you have suffered in the past but I am here and I'm not going anywhere."

I turned away from Tyler's gaze "I'm scared."

Tyler's armed wrapped around me "I know but we can do this. We have each other, and you will always have me."

I wrapped my arms around him as we embraced in a hug "Promise?"

"I promise my life."

We sat there for a few more minutes in silent. "Are you ready to go? We can always go back home if you like." Tyler informed me.

I shook my head "No, I'm fine."

"Okay then let's get going." Tyler put the car in drive and took back off on the road. The ride to the restaurant was pretty quick.

As we pulled up a guy walked over to my door and opened it for me. One did the same for Tyler. I saw Tyler toss the guy his keys and walked over to me.

Placing his arm around my waist he pulled me into the restaurant.  The lights inside were dimed down to give it a romantic feeling. The place was crawling in other couples who looked extremely well dressed.

"Tyler are you sure this place isn't too expensive?"

This brought humor to Tyler "Money is not a problem, don't worry about it."

"I don't want you spend all your money on me, I'm not worth it."

"Your right...no money can equal to what you are worth." Tyler notified me.

My cheeks heated up "Your wrong."

"I maybe wrong about something's in my life but this is not one of them." He enlightened me as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

I opened my mouth to reply back but the hostess interrupted and he took down our name and escorted us to our table. We had a booth in the far back corner. Somehow I felt as if Tyler requested it because we were almost secluded from everyone else.

When we sat down I sat on one side while Tyler sat on the other. The hostess handed us our menus and assured us our waiter would be with us momentarily.

I picked my menu up and went over it. I couldn't peel my eyes off of the prices; they were way too expensive for my taste.

"Don't even look at the cost Emma or I will order for you." Tyler warned.

With that being said I tried to pay attention to the meal instead of it price. "My name is Mary I'll be your waitress today may I start you off with some refreshments?" An older lady who appeared to be early 60 asked.

Tyler pointed at me to go first "Can I get a sweet Tea."

She turned to Tyler "And for you."

"I'll take a coke please."

She wrote his coke down "I'll be right back with your drinks and then take your orders."

I have looked over the menu about 100 times and had no clue as to what I wanted to eat. Everything seemed too good to be true.

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