The Eleventh Chapter

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"Tae, come on. We gotta get back to training." He looked at my, concern crossing his features, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shook my head, running my hand over my face and sighing.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Let's get back to the headquarters." I smiled at him, trying to assure him that I was alright.

"You sure? You shouldn't be training when you're not feeling well. We kind of need you." He let out an uneasy laugh, concern still in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm good. Just tired. I'll be fine, let's get going before Bang starts yelling." He nodded, muttering "Whatever you say" under his breath before the both of us walked into the living room together, the bookshelves separating and letting us into the headquarters.

When we walked into the training room, Bang had Yoongi and Namjoon in the middle of the room, holding hands like Hoseok and I were. He was telling them to stay calm and combine their energies. Jin and I joined the rest of the group behind a wall of protective glass in the corner of the room, Jimin saying that they were going to try to create a ball of fire that could transport to a target.

Bang let the two boys go, and walked behind the glass with us. Yoongi had a baseball sized fireball hovering above his palm. Namjoon was standing next to him, whispering something into his ear.

"Alright boys. On the count of three. And please don't aim for us, or at least try not to." They both nodded and Bang counted them off, Yoongi shooting the fire straight at us. Jimin screamed, before the flame disappeared into something like a portal, reappearing on the other side of the room and crashing into the wall. Yoongi let out a cheer, and Namjoon stood in disbelief. Bang started to clap, a proud smile on his face.

"Excellent! It was almost perfect. Namjoon was just a bit late, but it was otherwise flawless. This is going to help us greatly in battle. The rest of you can come out now. I'm bringing in the girls and I want Jimin and Yoongi to try to combine with them. You girls can come in now."

The door opened, the girls from before walking in. Yoongi's eyes lit up as he saw the leader, Jennie and he gave her a wave and nod. She waved back and looked back at Bang waiting for him to talk.

"Alright boys. If you've figured it out, you're going to be fighting alongside these girls every now and again, so you'll need to learn how to combine your energies with them as well. Yoongi, you're with Rose and Jimin is with Jennie." The two girls stepped forwards and went to their respective partner.

Jennie and Jimin joined hands, taking deep breaths and closing their eyes. Plants started to grow at their feet, intertwining and forming a shape. They continued growing, taking the shape of a person with a blade. The figure took a step as they separated and opened their eyes, sharing a startled look at each other as it stopped moving and stood, waiting for a command. Bang smiled, nodding his head at Yoongi and Rose, signaling them to start. They did the same as the first group, joining hands and relaxing. A force field of flames burst around them, Rose jumped and disconnected their hands. She looked around the two of them and looked at Yoongi, saying something to him as the force field started to go down. She formed another one, also made of flames, and threw it at the plant figure, cutting through it with a hiss. Rose and Yoongi laughed as Jennie watched the figure unravel and fall to the ground in a pile of vines.

"Good! That was perfect. You four can go back to your groups now." Bang clapped both boys on the shoulders and nodded at the girls. Jungkook walked to the front of the group, looking at the four girls.

"If we're fighting with you guys, shouldn't we know what each others powers are? Keep everyone feeling safe and stuff?" The girls nodded, Jennie stepping forward again.

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