Chapter 3

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Flashback continues

When I got their was a.....A FUKIN FOX and it looks so soft to pet. From the looks of it their are nine-tails, so this is the kyubi no kitsune everybody is afraid of. Just as I thought of that, the fox used one of his tails to hit me, but I didn't move, but he moved his tail.

"You are braver than i thought normally people would of ran by now." the fox said. "You look so soft can I touch it and whats your real name?" I wonder what he's going to tell me?. "No""Maybe""Fine. My name is Kurama and your smart for your own age don't you have any friends or something?"man he is really weird how he did that instead of replying at once, I sweat dropped. "No I don't have any friends if you forgot already I'm a jinchuriki, villagers hate me and abuse me." "Sorry kit it's my fault this is happening to you." pity in his eyes, I really hate that look because people who don't attack me including jiji give me that look. "It's not your fault actually I looked it up and found out their was a mask man and beside's I consider you as my first friend right now whether you like it or not." I smiled big for once not having to hide myself.

Oh wait I forgot I'm still in my henge right now including my mind scape now I want to see his reaction. "I'm going to show you something k." he looked at me with curiosity. I put my hands together and, "Release(Hands no Justu)" I turned back into a girl. When I looked up his eyes were wide open including his mouth. "YOUR A GIRL!!!!!" "Yep" then all of a sudden I started to disappear, but I didn't panic. "See you around Kura-nii-san." "See you around kit and I'll talk to you telepathically so you don't always have to com to the mind scape." I nodded my head in agreement.

Once I'm out of my mind scape I see jiji-ojisan looking extremely sad. "Hey jiji-ojisan. Who's your friend that likes to hide in the shadows?." He looks up surprised and so does the anbu. "Kit couldn't you be any more obvious" I can tell he was smirking. Urasai Kura-nii-san. "I'm going back to sleep." LAZY ASS FOX.

Back to looking at jiji and scare crow it looks like. "Yo are you guys going to answer me!!!" my hair starts doing what medusa hair does like snakes and my mom. "Ok this is scare crow." I looked at him like he is an idiot. So I look at him "Whats your name and by looking at you your at 15 years old, and got got into anbu at the age of 11, if I'm not mistaken."

Itachi's view

Holy shit how did this little boy do that. "Hokage-sama I want him as my apprentice and to answer your question my name is Itachi." the hokage looked shocked at what I just said interesting look though but I'm being serious. "You never had an apprentice before are you sure?" the hokage asked in worried. "Of course I am."

"Hey Itachi." asked the little boy/girl. "What is it Naruto-kun?" "I'm actually a girl."poof and their's a girl. Wait....WHAT!!!! "Now you get to know and jiji since he's going to be my sensei he'll have to know I'm a girl." here I thought he I mean she was an idiot. "I guess you are right Naru-chan and Itachi this is an S-rank mission so keep this a secret and tell no one." "Actually I think my mom knows that Naruto is a girl." "I can see that since she was close to Naruto mom." then the hokage realized that Naruto was still in the room. "I already know who my parents are they are the Fourth Hokage MInato Namikaze, the Red Habanero Kushina Uzamaki, where you gave me her last name without my father's to keep me safe."

Wow she is just amazing.

Third Hokage's view

WHAT.....HOW DID SHE FIND OUT!!!!! I thought. Well she is the daughter of Minato: wise and smart, smiles brightly. Kushina: pranks, loud mouth, smiles brightly.

"You are smart like your father Naruto." I commented. "No I just thought the fourth hokages face looks like mine, but with whisker marks." she was being a smart ass.

While Itachi was watching us in amusement. "Well I need to get home, and Naruto see you at the training grounds. I guess you already know which one I'm talking about." "Training ground 44 forest of death. Oh yeah, jiji I know how to do kage bushin, rasengan, water clone, earth clone, blood clone, and water dragon."

Wow never expected that she truly is an prodigy. "Itachi please take good care of her." "I will hokage-sama." Itachi's gone.

"Well Naru-chan get better soon." "Alright jiji-ojisan."

Naruto's view

JIji's left to his devil of paperwork, hehehe. Not sorry for him right Kura-kun. "Got that right kit. Got that right."

End of Flashback

I'm still happy Kura-kun helped me. Right Kura-kun."Proud I got the best container like your mom except I didn't tell her my name." Well gotta get stuff talk to you later Kura-kun. "Ok just let me sleep." Lazy ass fox, but I smirked.

Hope u guys also enjoy this chapter till next time!!! :)

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