386 19 26

okay i'm back

i didn't take a break i just forgot to update

two things occurred

1) i cut my hair. it used to be shoulder length, but now it's, like, idek how to describe it

here's a pic (no face, just hair):

okay, you can see some of my face, but ignore that it's not a pretty face

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

okay, you can see some of my face, but ignore that it's not a pretty face.

also, cool shirt amirite??? second hand stores FUEL ME i'm not even kidding

2) i came out to my parents about being nb. my dad didn't say anything but my mom went on a speech about how sone girls are less girlie than others and that applies to me.

i love my mom, but she is wrong

i'm guessing they'll never use proper pronouns.

infact, they seem to go put of their way to call me their daughter so idk

@ mom wyd???

that's it for now!!

-local space nerd (aka em)

TOO CUTE FOR A GENDER IDENTITY  (( Diary of a Non Binary Kid ))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat