Chapter 10 visiting the museum

Comenzar desde el principio

EVELYN Oh, July what do you think we should do?

JULIETTE I don't know what we should do, but I will stay here, even after all of this is over.


JULIETTE Because, little sister, just like you, I fell in love.

EVELYN With who?

JULIETTE I will tell you later, come here.

Evy comes over to me and I give her a big hug as her frustration turns into sadness and her sadness into anger.

An hour later, I really felt like I needed a drink, you know to calm down. So I went downstairs to the bar. Only to find the water in the fountain turning red.

JONATHAN "And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood."

A look passes over O'Connell's face, a realization.

O'CONNELL He's here

He suddenly jumps away from the bar and runs for the door.

JONATHAN Who's here!?

JULIETTE Imhotep, The Priest! THE MUMMY!

JONATHAN Oh, that's just great.


JULIETTE Because of the curse.

As the look of horror crosses everyone's face, immediatlyI make my way towards my balcony. After a couple of minutes, I hear gunshots coming from the room next immediately run into it, only to see Rick shooting at Imhotep. He looks like he's regenerating, thick skin forms over a new musculature. His tendons RIPPLE. His bones BULGE and REFORM. His mouth opens to an inhuman size as he MOANS and CRYS OUT, in severe pain. And then it's over. And he looks like an incredibly muscular, corpse-like vision from hell. The'Terminator' Mummy.

O'CONNELL we are in serious trouble. 

JULIETTE No shit Sherlock!

Imhotep starts to move towards them, staring at Evelyn.

O'CONNELL Back off, creep 

Imhotep keeps coming. O'Connell OPENS FIRE. BLASTING Imhotep Bullets right through his undead body. Imhotep doesn't seem to mind. Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels run into the room. They're all stunned at the sight of Imhotep. Rick steps forward, throws a right hook, punches Imhotepin the face, --HIS FIST GOES THROUGH IMHOTEPIS SKULL AND GETS STUCK DEEP INSIDE HIS HEAD. O'Connell stares at it, shocked, then quickly YANKS his fist back out. The area of Imhotep'sface that came into contact with O'Connell's fist quickly regenerates and DECAYS, right down to the bone, as if O'Connell's hand instantly infected it.Imhotep angrily turns, grabs O'Connell, and with no effort, THROWS him across the room and into Jonathan and the others knocking them down. Imhotep looks at his hand, the one that just grabbed O'Connell, --IT STARTS TO SHRIVEL and DECAY. He quickly turns to Evelyn. Evelyn backs away into a wall, terrorized. Imhotep steps up to her.

IMHOTEP  You saved me from the undead. For this, I shall make you immortal.

He leans in, about to kiss her with his decayed face.And that's when a WHITE CAT jumps onto the piano, HISSING. Imhotep SHRIEKS. The balcony doors BLOW OPEN. Imhotep spins into a BLAST OF WIND AND SAND and SWIRLS out the doors. Gone. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan, Daniels and I stand transfixed. Henderson kneels next to Burns, shriveled body, horrified.

HENDERSON The curse the curse.

JULIETTE I told you so didn't I.


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