Chapter 5: Dear Michael, Why Did You Go Into A Coma?

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Luke's P.O.V
*A Week Later*
I grabbed a piece of paper, a pen and thought of something than started writing.

Dear Michael
It's been a week since you went into a coma and it's killing me. I can't stand it. It's breaking everyone apart but more Harper can't take it either.
I visited you and Harper the other day and Harper wasn't Harper. She looked like she hadn't got any sleep, she even looked like she hadn't eaten or drunk anything for days.
She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and said to me that she wants you to wake up because she isn't the same without you.
Look Michael just please wake up already we need you here on earth not in La La Land, I can't even concentrate on anything anymore.
Please Michael just wake up and we will all be okay and we will all be happy.
Michael, Harper isn't okay or me and the boys and the girls aren't okay either.
From Luke

I started crying than Calum and Ashton came in, Calum said "What's wrong?" I nodded 'No' and they just hugged me until there was no more tears.

Harper's P.O.V
I was allowed a day out of hospital so I'm in the car right now with Ashton going back to the boys house.
I was looking at the window when Ashton said "Harper he'll be okay" I looked down and said "I know but I want to be next to him not out of hospital" Ashton held my hand tight so that he could calm me down, I took some deep breaths than we arrived at the house, Ashton got out, He came over to my side and me out of the car and walked inside.
I held Ashton arm as we walked through the door, I smiled at the photo of us the first time we all met for the first time.
Calum smiled, came running down the stairs towards me and hugged me tightly and I hugged back with him saying "How have you been?" I said "Yeah he is still breathing" he reply back saying "That's good" I smiled and said "Where is Luke?" Ashton said "In his room why?" I reply "I want to see him" Ashton and Calum helped me up the stair than I signalled them that I walk by myself and walk to Luke's room.
I knocked on the door and he said "Go away Ashton" I reply "It's not Ashton it is Harper" I heard him get up, he opened the door and hugged me tight, I hugged back than he lets me in. I walked in and all it was dark with a little bit of light from the windows and in between the curtains. Luke looked at me and said "I'm gonna get something to eat" I nodded and he shut the door behind as he left.
I was looking around the room when I saw a box filled with pieces of paper, I thought about reading them but I looked at the papers and and they were letters written to Michael from Luke Hemmings himself, I picked up a letter and I started reading.

Dear Michael
Today is your 20th birthday and the day your engaging to Harper.
I remember the day you went on your first date with Harper and it was New Year's Day.
You were so nervous but excited and you didn't know if you wanted to be either one you were so happy when you got home too.
Michael my best friend, I'm glad you got her in your life too because you haven't been able to be yourself for a while.
Michael if it wasn't for Harper you wouldn't be happy or feel loved.
Michael don't ever stuff up with Harper because you might lose her.
Okay I don't know what I'm saying anymore because I'm not good at this stuff but remember this that no matter what Harper is always gonna be here and she is never leaving.
Be good Michael, I love you man.
From Luke

I looked at the letter as Luke came in and said "Please don't read these" I put it down and said "I'm sorry" Luke than started crying and hugged me tight as I hugged back tightly.
Luke has been upset that Michael has been in a coma and I haven't been here to help him through it than I said to him "Luke come visit me more K" he nodded and we just say there, hugging.

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