Chapter 1: Sometime with My Love

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(To Warn You I Change Michael's Girlfriend Name To Harper)

Michael's P.O.V
I was waiting for Harper to get ready for our day out. I can't wait for this because it has been a while since we have had a day to ourselves.
She came out with a smile on her face. She came over to me and kissed my cheek and said "My Mikey" I smiled and said "Forever and always" We kissed than she started walking out to the car and I followed her.

*Later on at the mall*
When we arrived I said "I need to go and get something by myself so I'll meet you at your fav book shop" She nodded and went off to do what she needed to do.
I needed to do this by myself because at my party for my 20th birthday I'm gonna engaged to her cause you know we've been together for about two years now and I know she wants to be a mother and she wants to get married.
I went inside the jewellery shop and someone walked up to me when I was looking and said "Good morning sir, what are we looking for today?" I said "An engagement ring"  He smiled and said "Follow me" I followed him and I saw the perfect one for her and I said "That one" He nodded and got it out and I paid him and left and saw Harper at the shop and she smiled and said "Ready for our day now?" I nodded and followed her.

Harper's P.O.V
We were driving back home when I wondered what was Michael doing coming out of a jewellery store.
But you know I'm not going to be a nosey beat and ask him. When we got home I could see our Frenchie bulldog Steve in the window waiting and I smiled and ran inside and grabbed him and said "Hey Steve" He licked my face and went over to Michael and they rolled around while I went upstairs.
I was getting ready to have a shower when Michael came in and said "What's up you've been quiet since we got home" I said "Just tired" he nodded and said "Well  I made pasta and I'm about to cook steak" I smiled and said "Sounds good" He walked over to me and kissed my forehead and said "Have a shower and we will have dinner than I'll have a shower and than we can cuddle up in bed and watch your shows, sounds like a good idea" I nodded, he smiled and kissed my nose which made me giggle and went to the bathroom to have my shower

*Next Day*
Dean's P.O.V (This is Harper's brother)
Today I'm getting Harper and Michael to look after Lilly and Michelle because they agree to last night but they also love having the girls over so basically they were going to agree anyway.
When I got there Michael was the only one up which was in-usual. We got out and knocked on the door, Michael answered with a smile saying "Harper was really tired last night" I nodded and looked at him in concern and said "Something you need to tell me" he looked at me and said "Don't tell Harper but at my 20th I'm gonna engaged to her" I smiled saying "Congrats because I know that she will be here with you forever and I know she will definitely say Yes" he smiled saying "I hope so" We hugged and I said bye to the girls than got back into the car ready for a new day.

Harper's P.O.V
I was sound asleep in my warm and cosy bed when three body's were jumping on the bed saying "Get Up!" I open my eyes to see who it was to believe it or not I could see Michael with our nieces Lilly and Michelle. I smiled and got out of bed saying "Hi" They all smiled and waved than the girls hugged me saying "We missed you Aunty Harper" Michael pouted and looked at the girls and than said "What about me?" They nodded and he smiled and joined the hug and kissed me, I kissed back and said "Breakfast everybody?" We all smiled and went down stairs and Michael said "How about I cook breaky" We kissed and I said "Thank you" He smiled and we went down stairs, the girls and I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and put on SpongeBob SquarePants.
Michael had finished making breakfast and it in into the living room and gave me a cup of coffee and said "You okay?" I nodded 'No' and said "I don't know why I'm tired" He hugged me and said "How about you have a rest today and I'll keep the day" I smiled and said "This is why I love you" He smiled and we cuddle up to each other and watch the TV.

Well thank god I just finished the first chapter to my series but I have to say  AmmoHemmo was here for all of it but everybody enjoy

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