Chapter 7: There Might Be A Slight Chance

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Harper's P.O.V
I was playing a board game with Lilly and Michelle while Renee and Jonathan were so out for the day.
The girls always knew how to make me happy even with Michael in his coma they have made me really happy today.
The Doctor came in, looked at me and said "Harper I have some good news" I looked at him and he said "Michael might just wake up earlier than you think" Michael is supposed to be waking in two months but what could he mean. He looked at his paper and said "Harper it has been three weeks but Michael just wake up in two weeks time" I screamed with happiness and the girls hugged me and I hugged them back.
I'm so happy, I'm so fucking happy. Renee and Jonathan came in and Michelle said "Mummy and Daddy" they smiled and Lilly said "Uncle Michael will wake up in two weeks" Jonathan hugged me, I hugged him back and I said "I'm so happy" he said "I'm glad that you are because I get to see my shining little sister again" I smiled and kept hugging Jonathan with the biggest smile on my face.
I'm so happy, I can't believe I'm gonna be with my Michael in two weeks. This is the best day ever.

Michael's Person That No One Can See/Hear P.O.V
I'm glad that Harper is happy that I'm going to be back with her because I'm going to make a promise to myself that when I wake up in two weeks time on that day one year later I'm going to marry her and we will be Mrs and Mr Clifford.

Please Don't Go (Michael Clifford)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें