Chapter Seven

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It's starting!  Yay :3 this chapter's mostly about Nevi and Jason and the beginning of one of the most important life-changing nights she'll ever experience.  You find out about that in Ch. 8 though xD

             Any plans for tomorrow?


I look up from the scrap of notebook paper on my desk to where he sits, behind me and two seats to my left.  

He winks invitingly and makes a little two-finger wave.  I smother a laugh and give him the OK sign, without even bothering to consider what Kat said about keeping things the way they are.  He holds his hand up in a fist with his thumb and pinkie poking out and mouths Call me?  I nod once and smile.  

I suppose you could say he’s been upping his game just a bit recently, leading up to this.  Sadly I haven’t payed it too much attention; only knowing that at all because Kat mentioned it to me.  

I haven’t told her or anyone else about the boy on the bridge, but he’s consumed my thoughts since the almost-week ago since I saw him.  I’ve pondered it over and over again, questioning if he did it as a sort of dare, or just for the adrenaline rush, or chose to commit suicide and decided to go out in a big way.  That wouldn’t make much sense though, because I haven’t heard a thing about him from anyone.  You’d think something like that would end up on the news, or at least have people talking, but so far as I can tell I’m the only one who witnessed his spectacular feat.  

It also plays upon my conscience.  Surely with my wind powers I could have done something.  Even if he isn’t dead I thought he was going to be, and yet I stood by and watched as he met his doom.  That isn’t the kind of person I am…is it?

No, I’ve been insisting to myself.  You were just in shock or something.   

Still, I can’t shake the guilt and wonder if I ever will.

I ask myself too if I should tell Kat.  It seems like it would be important somehow, since obviously the boy has something to do with all of this.  Plus we never ever keep secrets from each other.  But for reasons I don’t think I understand, I’m strangely reluctant to share my experience with anyone.  Perhaps because, despite the blatantly public place and manner in which he chose to put on his little display, it seems so private.  Secretive, secluded, almost like a sacred ritual of sorts.  Like he was putting himself through some kind of test and I was privileged enough to be able witness it.  And since I failed to try and help save his life, I feel as if I owe it to him to keep it a secret, as it was meant to be.

Something like that.  

           So, for this reason or some other I have yet to fathom I keep my silence regarding the haunting spectacle.  After all, it can’t be that important.  Really.

            I sigh and shove these thoughts down as I realize I’ve let them resurface yet again.  These people do not rule your life, I tell myself sternly.  I refuse to let them keep me from being a normal teenage girl leading a normal teenage life.  That isn’t such a hard thing to ask now is it?

No, it’s not.  I straighten up in my seat and keep repeating the thought to myself, drumming it determinedly into my mind all the way home, in through the door and onto the bed as I flip open my phone and dial Jason’s number.  He picks up on the second ring.

“Hey, Nevs,” he says easily, his deep voice with its rich, sexy undertone sending little chills down my spine.

           “Heyyyyy,” I drawl out .  “You had something to say?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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