Feeding frenzy

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Chapter 5

Caterina's POV

We all hopped in our bathing suites and went in the lake. This time my parents went on a trip for their job. I never see them. We were swimming when chase came out of nowhere from under the water and grabbed me by the waist. He pulled me closer and kissed me. He kept kissing me and I kept kissing back. I felt something like a fin rub against me. I got startled and broke the kiss. "Is everything ok babe?" "Yeah just got a chill." He continued and we swam further out than everyone else. We kept swimming when I felt something yank me under with surprise. I was getting whipped around and I came face to face with the beast itself! I was screaming and kicking and poking its eyeballs! I was to deep down for chase to save me. I thought it was over for sure. He threw me around like a ragdoll. Finally and to surprise he just pushed me up so I could catch air. My friends had gotten a dingy boat and rowed out to me.

They gave me a paddle to grab onto. I got it and then it drug me under again. After what felt like minutes but was only seconds I submerged. This time my friends have me a stronger thing to hold onto! Their hands. They all pulled me out. And then the shark for my leg again. It was a tug of war. Finally I felt a pop where my leg was and I was out like a light.



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