Chapter 1 - Can you save her?

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(Overall P.O.V)

The knife scraped along the walls as the man walks towards his prey. A young girl, no older than nine. She backs up, trying to get away from the person who had murdered the other five children, their bodies scattered around the blood stained room. The girl walks back until she hits her head. The purple man has edged her towards the wall. Shes trapped and she knows it. The knife is raised and the girl closes her eyes.

(Your P.OV.)

The blade comes down and you burst from the doorway, shoving the purple man in the side as hard as you can manage. The killer loses his balance and falls to the floor, his head smacking against the concrete and his hand losing its grip on the knife. Marionette appears at your shoulder and a spark of recognition glimmers in the child's eyes. You pick her up and hand her to the puppet.

"Go, get the child away from here. I will hold off the killer"

Marionette nods and runs down the hallway, gripping the child tightly in his arms. You pick up the killer's knife just as he starts to wake. He looks around and snarls when he sees the child is gone. He lays his eyes on you and searches for his knife, only to see you gripping it tightly in your own hand. He scrambles to his feet and you run down the second hallway, drawing the Purple guy away from the child and The Marionette. You skid to a stop and turn around, holding up the glinting blade

"You want it back? Come and get it!" 

You turn on your heels and sprint off, the Purple man chasing after you, a mixture of anger and anticipation on his face

{Author's note: Hello FNAF fans and readers alike welcome to my short story! The image I put in this chapter actually inspired this story (I don't own any of the artwork shown) and I hope you enjoy. CYA =D}

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