"Almost a year I think," Grayson estimates not knowing the exact time span but knowing it's been significant for her sister.

"Wow, go Bailey," I remark. "Must be getting serious."

"It is, I've never seen her so happy," she beams. I can hear the smile in her voice, and it makes my lips turn up in happiness for Bailey.

"Good for her," I respond simply.

"It's just so weird sometimes," Grayson divulges out of nowhere.

"What?" I question not knowing where she's going.

"I dreamed of this when I was sixteen," she tells me quietly as if she speaks too loud her dreams may burst and fade away.

"Dreamed of what?" I ask gently pushing.

"Having Cale by my side and spending time with him with my family and—"

"You have it now," I tell her confidently.

"Five years later," she scoffs.

"Yeah, maybe it took some time but you got your dream," I respond positively. "Your happy ending," I tell her with my whole heart.

"Thanks," she replies to my encouraging words. "And now it's time for yours," she teases.

I roll my eyes even though I know she can't see my face. "Yeah right G," I say as sarcasm drips from my words.

"What? I'm serious Hayley! You're a catch and you're going to find a great guy," she exclaims supportively.

That's the issue when your best friend finds love. She believes everyone else needs to also. Even when there's no piece of me looking for love in my life. I've seen how love can go wrong and how much that can change a person. It's why I keep everyone, including men, at a distance. They're only good for one thing that I am sure of in this life. That and my love for my best friend, that's all I want or need in this life. Okay, maybe throw in a few books in there as well.

I check the time as I pull the phone away from my face. "Hey, I'm meeting Kylie for lunch so I'll call you later," I tell Grayson as I pull myself off of the bed and slip on my sandals swiftly.

"Oh, tell her I say hi!" Grayson shouts excitedly at hearing I'm hanging out with her childhood friend.

"You know I will!" I chuckle with assurance.

"Okay, love you," she says as the call comes to an end.

"Love you too Gray," I reply and end the call as I walk out the bedroom door.

* * * * *

"Kylie!" I shout as I walk into the beautiful Italian restaurant spotting the cute brunette in the back corner. Grayson always talks about Abbiocco, and I sadly didn't have the chance to visit last summer when I was here for a few days. She always raves about their pasta carbonara, and Grayson knows my deep love for pasta. Actually it's more of a deep love for any carbs if I'm being honest.

She immediately stands and wraps her arms around me. I've only met Kylie a few times here and there after last summer, but we instantly clicked. Her short frame comes off sweet as candy, but her light green eyes show off the sassy fire that lies within her.

We sit down at the clothed table and make ourselves comfortable. "How have you been?" I ask quickly with a bright smile coating my face. I didn't realize how much I needed this until just this moment. In the midst of living a lie for a month I need a friend, someone I don't have to be anything but just myself for.

"Good!" she sighs with a small chuckle. "My kids have been crazy this last semester so this break is much needed."

Kylie teaches at the local elementary school, and she doesn't love anything or anyone more then she loves kids. She could be in the bitterest of moods and see a child and instantly light up. As someone who isn't the biggest fan of children I honestly admire this more then I care to disclose.

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