Ch. 6 The Bond of Fire And Ice

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Roman's POV:
"He's not here, Oliver.", I stated as I smashed through the door of one of my dad's secret lair.

I looked up and saw a faint blur of smoke, but I rubbed it off.

"That's all right, Roman. Just come back to Mission Command.", Oliver replied.

"All right. On my way.", I finished, before clicking off my earpiece.

Then, I started to turn back around, admiring my suit.

After I had given my father the antidote and he and Riker left me, I found a family within the Elite Force, so they gave me a uniform.

Skylar and Bree are now in the middle of their 2nd trimester, and they've been very moody.

Granted, they are pregnant, but they're still scary.

Also, Oliver cut his hair.

It was getting kind of crazy.

Speaking of Oliver, we've been trying to figure out how his powers work, with his speed and all.

We've tested Oliver's theory with many tests, such as watching birthing videos, to show him how much pain Skylar will be in, and others.

While doing the tests, he's becoming more durable with this new power of his.

What I mean is he hasn't fainted but one time when training.

I'm kinda envious of him, actually.

He has awesome powers, an awesome girlfriend, and a best friend who treats him more of a brother than my brother has ever done.

I had that, before choosing vengeance over a social life.

I mean, I have awesome powers, but I lost my girlfriend and my brother.

If only I had played my cards right, I could've kept my family.

---Flashback - Two years ago---
"Roman, are you listening to me?", Joanna asked me, annoyed.

"Yea, I'm listening.", I stated, cleaning up my area from dinner.

"All I'm asking is for you to stay 7 hours with Sean, just so I can apply for that internship at Mercury, Saturn, and Mars.", she explained.

"I know, but I told you that I need to train for taking down Skylar Storm, and those two doctors.", I explained.

"Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is, Roman. Your dad's alive.", she stated.

"Yes, but he'll be powerless to fend for himself, and that's a fate far worse than death.", I countered, seriously.

"Stop being so dramatic, Roman.", she stated, walking away.

"I'm not being dramatic. It's true. My dad will be powerless against anyone, so I need to protect him.", I stated, crossing my arms, making her stop, and turn around.

"Ok. Just know that I won't stick around to see you fail.", she stated, walking into the living room.

I dematerialized, and stepped in front of her, startling her.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?", I stated, nervously. "You mean you would leave me here?".

"I honestly don't want to, but it seems that we have completely different mindsets.", she stated, defeated.

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