Ch. 3: The Explanation

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Oliver's POV:
It was supposed to be an easy mission; Come into the penthouse, show Skylar and Bree who Kaz and I were, and kick Roman and Rikers' butts.

Well, there was the situation with the cyber-cloaks, but good news; we could use our powers under the cloaks.

Instead, we walk in the penthouse through the terrace, freak everybody out, have Skylar kick Kaz in the face, knocking him out cold, and show them who we were, by using my cyclone-fingers.

How did my plan go to hell, I thought.

One name; Kaz.

"I still don't know about this, Kaz.", I stated, walking around the glass cell.

"I promise you, it'll work.", Kaz assured me.

Then, we started to put the plan into action.

First, we just made a lot of noise, to attract the guards.

After they opened the cell, I used my Cyro-blast to freeze the guards, so we could escape. Then, we went into the control room, to open the roof.

Then, with no hesitation, we flew straight to the penthouse.

On the terrace, Leo and Adam were practicing their powers.

The original plan was to; go in the penthouse at night, while everyone was asleep, go to Skylar and Bree's room, and wait until they woke up.

We knew, however, that they would try to fight us, so I, using my super strength, would hold down Skylar, and Kaz would hold Bree, having a small flame dance on his finger, automatically revealing ourselves to them.

Then, we would confront Roman and Riker, and kick their butts.

Unfortunately, the plan didn't work like that.

Instead, Kaz wanted to kick Riker's butt now, so, without thinking, he went straight towards the penthouse, on the terrace.

Of course, being startled at first, Adam and Leo got in the fighting position, ready for a fight.

We quickly tackled them and explained who we were by having Kaz have a flame dance in his hand.

After explaining who we were, they asked why we didn't turn off the cyber-mas.

"For some reason, the dang things aren't working. I've tried pushing the button, but all it does is....", I explained, before touching my neck, and showing them that the masks flicker, but not fully turn off. "...that.", I further explained.

"Looks like the core's not registering your biometrics​. I'll have to look at it, and see....", Leo started, before he faltered.

"What? See what?", I asked, anxiously.

"What happened to Kaz?", Adam asked, looking around.

I quickly turned around and saw Kaz standing at the door, holding a flame in his hand.

"Kaz. I underst-", I started before he interrupted me.

"No, you don't. I have to end them.", he stated, before running in.

"Kaz, wait.", I stated, before following him in.

---End of Flashback---
After Chase told me how to fix the cyber-cloak, I did what he told me, and pressed the button.

It almost instantly flickered and showed my scrawny self.

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