Making New Friends

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Anny at the top.

The next day went by regularly. As usual waking up by the stupid alarm that sounds like a dead squirrel. Ugh.

Anyways, when I was about to drive my car, I saw Coal. Let's be honest, I surmise it's going to be my worst year but lets stay confident...hopefully.

I was glaring at him like a gawk person.
He turned his head perceiving it was me so he apparently greeted me saying, "Like what you see?"

"No, i've seen better." I said.

"I never knew you live here. Why haven't you told me before?"

"Same goes to you. I was flabbergasted, what do you expect. Anyways, i'll see you around in school." I replied.

"I certainly assume it's going to be fun." He said.

"Just vacate before my dad glimpses you."

"Ok chill. Cya later."

I stared at him disgusted so all he did was chuckle like a coward. Do I like him?




 Lord help me...


After consuming hours of studying, it was ultimately break, and this is were I met someone.

"Hey.." She said unsure.

"Oh hi, whatsup?" I said happily.

"Wanna sit with me? I'm sure i'll enjoy. I don't want to sit alone." She instantly added.

"Why not. Come on!" I said.

"The reason I desire sitting with you  is because I want company. Like literally everyone... everyone pokes and stares at me like I'm some filthy garbage starting to decay." She shyly said.

I was in a complete shock. I didn't know what to say. I was perhaps speechless . And this is were Coal approaches just at the right time.

"Hey Melissa." He said

I accepted the fact that he is trying to stop the being so attractive towards others.

"Oh hey Coal.. sit down?" I asked.

"No it's fine, I was just about to hang out with my friends. Just wanted to see you." He added.

I was about to speak when someone interrupted.

"Awww. Mister Henswood acting kind?"  Veronica added.

"Got any problem?" Coal said.

"Well yes Coal! I'm your girlfriend not her!" She jealously added.

"What in the world? Who said?" He added.

"Ughh I hate you Melissa. I told you I'm going to make sure you suffer before tomorrow!" Veronica announced.

"Tomorrow already passed away. Live in the present not in the past." I said.

"She just has a horrible truth to be honest." Coal replied.

It seems suspicious but I didn't dare ask. I thought that maybe he could tell me afterwards.

"Ok got to go. Bye sugar."


"Excuse us." I said.

It's ok. My name is Anny by the way."

"Nice to meet you." Pronouncing carefully.


It was hometime and I was out of school finally. Mom came to pick me up at 3 pm. Pretty late but I can't complian... it sucks.

When I arrived to my destination, Coal interrupted.

"Hey Aunte, may I speak to Melissa?" He said breaking the silence.

"Sure but don't take long."

That's the moment of truth. Hope it goes well.

"Melissa I need to tell you something important."

"Yes Coal?"

"About her."

"Oh that annoying person?"

"Yes, she's not my girlfriend actually, she's my ex. We used to live happily together but she cheated on me with Lucas, my old bestfriend. I decided to let her go, not being bothered at that fact though. Then she started regretting what she did. That's why she called me her boyfriend. It's nothing I promise."

"It's ok Coal. Why did you call me babe anyways?"

"Just distracting her. I don't want her by my side. She is so annoying."

"You guessed right. She actually is. I wonder what's the revenge going to be about, because it's the second time she says 'I'll make sure you die before tomorrow.'

"Just stay away from her as much as you can. She's bad news believe me."

"Ooooo, the troublemaker cares for me?"

"It's not that. I don't want you getting in trouble since it's just your first year here."

"Thank you Coal. Thank you. I appreciate the fact that you cared talking to me about that problem."

"No problem."

"I liked the name sugar. You're pretty good in calling me different,nice, cute words."

I was shocked from what I just said.

"You really do? I thought you hated it."

"I mean..."

"Oh say it already." He said excited.

"Ok. Yes I do. I have to go before mom kills me. I have a way horrible truth than you do."

He stared at me confused.

"Oh ok. See you later then." He  applied.

The Horrible Truth (#Wattys 2017) (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ