Chapter 3

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***This is only a fan fiction of "Fifty Shades". I do not own the characters but storylines are my own.

***This chapter is not edited. No proof reading. Please ignore the spelling and grammatical errors.



"I'm sorry Mr. Grey. But her condition is very critical. We are trying our best but we won't give you any false hope. I hope you understand."

Understand? Understand? Really? Understanding isn't actually what I could do at the moment. I didn't even understand how I picked up the call, how the person from the other side who happened to be a police officer, told me that my wife had a serious accident and she was being taken to the nearest hospital. I didn't understand how I drove to the hospital. And I didn't understand what the doctor was trying to tell me. It was all like a hazy scene playing in my mind.

It was a lot to take in.

And my knees buckled. I could only see darkness closing in and hear the desperate voice of the doctor

"Mr Grey... Mr Grey!"


When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed myself. I looked around, taking my time to figure where I was and why. And then, all of it came rushing into my mind and I screamed


The door to the cabin opened suddenly, and for a second, just for a second I wished that this time too it would be Ana.


Grace, my mom entered and with her my children, Phoebe and Teddy. I didn't know what to do. When they hugged me, I felt suffocated, the burning emotions inside me trying to burst out.

And I let go...

I cried and hugged them back. The stream of tears was endless.

"Christian, I'm so sorry. How could this ever happen to our family! God! Why?"

Yes... I had the same question


Only that I knew the answer

Because of me...


I stared at the ceiling; not sure how to feel. Honestly, I was absolutely blank. I still couldn't believe the things that happened, the turn of events. I still felt like I just kissed Ana before heading to my office. And if I dial her number, I would hear her voice at the other end. Someone told me that I was wrong.

Very wrong.

It was a voice from inside of me. Still I was in denial.

How could this ever happen? How can my world turn upside down in mere seconds? How was it possible? And why Ana?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the doctor approached me. I stood up in a robotic manner. She took a look at me and then cleared her throat. I'm pretty sure I looked as miserable as a stray dog. But she seemed to find it difficult to start a conversation. Was something wrong?

The inner voice mocked me "Everything is wrong."

"Mr. Grey, I... I am sorry to inform you.. that.."

"No! Don't say it! You better not say it!"

I was panicking. No! She can't be serious! This can't be happening. This isn't the reality. This can't be. I know I'm dreaming. It's just a nightmare. I know I'm screaming in reality to get out of the clutches of this painful experience. I know Ana might have just gone to drink water or something. She would come back any second now hearing me scream and she would wake me up from this horrible dream and I would wrap her in a tight embrace.

And I would never let go.

I know it. This is what is really happening. It's my worst nightmare and it would end soon. Ana will come for me.

"Mr. Grey, Mrs Grey has slipped into coma."

No! No no no no! Just a dream! Wake up! Try to wake up and everything will be fine. Ana would be right there in front of me. I know.

Wake up!

"Mr. Grey... Mr. Grey?"

The voice seemed to be coming from miles away. And it was irritating me. No one says that about my Ana.

No one!

I was about to glare up at the doctor when a soft hand rested on my shoulder


I turned sideways to see my mom looking at me with all the emotions she had the day she first saw me. There was pain and grief. Maybe she could sense that at the moment, I was as miserable as I was back then.

She pulled me into a hug and patted my back

"You have to be strong, son."

Strong for what?

"Just a dream mom..."

I murmured, my voice barely audible. I had this choking feeling that literally made me almost unable to speak. My mom hugged me tighter but still I felt like I was slipping into darkness.

No. I couldn't. I had to be strong for my kids.

For Ana.

I took a deep breath

"I'm okay mom. It's ok. I'm fine."

Grace looked at me with empathy. No matter how hard I tried to convince her, I knew that she knew I was anything but alright. She might not have given birth to me but she was my mother in all senses.

She caressed my cheek with her gentle hand and kissed my forehead softly

"Everything will be fine, sweetheart. You'll see."

Yeah mom. That's the only hope I've got to live with.

Until Ana wakes up.



I opened my eyes to find myself in the shower.

I was taking a shower?

Why did it feel so unusual? The water droplets were touching my skin, I could clearly see that but I didn't feel it. And stranger than that, my body was totally dry. And so was my hair. What was happening?

And what was that weird sound?

It was like someone was whispering. Was there someone in my bathroom? Oh my God!

I carefully approached the source of the sound. As I went nearer, I could hear two voices, one male and another female. And strangely they were very familiar too.

What the hell was going on? What was wrong with me in the first place?

It was foggy and I couldn't see properly but the voices were crystal clear. It was Christian with... Elena?

What? No! Where did she come from? And what was she doing in my bathroom with my husband?

As I stepped out of the fog into the clearing, I saw Christian and Elena lying in the tub, in each other's arms while Christian caressed her body.

The sight disgusted me, so much that I wanted to puke over them.

But suddenly Christian's eyes fell on me and he nearly jumped. He tried to push Elena away but she didn't move an inch.

"Ana! Ana it's not what it looks like..."

I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't handle it. The pain was too much to bear. It squeezed my heart with such a force, I forgot to breath. Tears blurred my vision as I desperately tried to step back, to get away from the sight of them, from him.

I didn't know what happened but before I could figure out, I was falling. My head hit the floor and blood oozed from my head.

Pain. Only pain. Pure, dark, overwhelming pain.

And then, it was all dark again.

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