n o t e

yeah, this is my first time posting on here. no, i'm not new to wattpad. i just wanted to start again, outside my main account which is still being used. i just wanted an account where no one knew who i am in real life, what i do...ect. except by reading my bio.

note that the titles will all be in arabic, and each of them do have meaning behind them. if you can read arabic, which i can't(except if i use google translate and that's what i do), good for you! it saves you the trouble of googling them up if you were wondering what they meant. no, this book is not in arabic, if you were wondering. and yes, i am aware of how much the current cover suck. no shit, it was made by yours truly. if you have fantabulous cover making skills( which i am sure you do, better than me at least), feel free to make a cover for me. send it to me via pm :) if you have any queries, just ask me! or comment down below!

and yes, this book deals with mature themes such as self harm and suicide thoughts. if you are sensitive to these topics, PLEASE LEAVE( i mean this in a polite way, i swear), i don't want to offend anybody nor do i want to set off bitch-mode-101. i'm sorry if i sound rude. i really don't mean it.

this book supports the #freeyourbody campaign and also #stopslutshaming. do check them out!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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