Chapter 11: Strangers

Start from the beginning

I shake my head and clear away the memories, because at this point that is all they are to me memories, because Aiden is not the same Aiden.  I look up and I see Aiden staring at me intently, I nod once and walk to the coffee machine and pour coffee.

I'm looking for creme when two arms wrap around me, I jump until I hear the voice

"How are doing Sweetcheecks" Luke whispers in my ear

"Im doing good" I whisper back 

"Izzy I'm here for you, I know you, don't let him break your spirit, he doesn't deserve you if he doesn't see how fucking wonderful you are" he says 

I squeeze onto  his hands that are wrapped around me and let a treachous tear fall down. 

"I love you Lucas" I say as I turn around and wrap my arms around him and hold him tight 

We let go of each other and he grabs my face and smiles at me 

"Show me that brilliant smile of yours sweet cheecks" He says 

 I give him one how can i not when its Lucas, he's like a brother to me, and he is always there, I know he has his demons i see them swirling in his eyes when his walls are down, when he's ready to face them ill be there just like he's there for me.

I grab my coffe and we go to sit where the rest of the guys and Macy are.

Luke goes and slides next to Macy and he smiles at her and licks his lips she just rolls her eyes and huffs out, I grin and i slide in next to him which lands me right in front of Aiden.

He's staring at me with emotions swilirling in his eyes but i ignore him and close my eyes and listen to the guitar playing, and i begin to hum out the words to love destroys.

Next I hear Luke and Aiden join in singing the song, and I dont dare open my eyes becuase i can feel Aiden eyes burning through me and i cant look at him when the wounds are fresh.

The song finally ends and i open them and stare into his, his eyes filled with unshed tears, begging me to come back to him, be his bestfriend again, his eyes hold regret and agony.

I shake my head no slowly trying to hold my tears back again.

I can't cry anymore. No more tears Isabella.

He takes a deep breath in before he speaks

"I have decided im going to stay in Serena's bus for awhile" he swallows hard while trying not to look at me 

Macy scoffs out "of course you are" 

"Have something to say Macy" Aiden says'

She looks up with eyes full of anger and spits out "Your a coward, instead of staying here and facing your problems you go and run away and go shack up with a whore typical Aiden"

Aiden stands out and spits out " she is not a whore she is my girlfriend Macy and you need to respect her"

"I don't need to respect her, the only people i need to respect are in the bus, to me she is a nobody" she spits right back out 

Aiden sighs tiredly "Macy please"

she rolls her eyes and looks out the window, no one says anything for a little and then Christian speaks up 

"Listen man, if thats what you want no one can stop you" 

Aiden nods and looks at me "Izzy" he says 

I look up and close off all my emotions so he doesnt know how much this is hurting me 

"do what you want Aiden, like Christian said no can stop you" I say 

He looks at me for a little while longer and nods his head and heads to theback of the bus

Everyone is quiet on the bus after he leaves, when we hear the intercom come on 

"We are here" the bus driver says

I take a deep breath and nod 

"Well lets get this show on the road" I put on a fake smile and get up and head to the bedroom, I walk in and see Aiden with his head in his hands, he hears me and looks up, we look at each other and I break the stare first and head to the bathroom to get ready for the show.

In a couple of hours Aiden and I have become complete strangers, and with that came an empty void in my heart.


Here is another update!

Its unedited so it has a lot of mistakes 

Tell me your thoughts 

I hope you guy like it!

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