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Hey guys i am so sorry i havent updated in so long, and i told some of you that i would have a chapter up by last week but something urgent came up and I had to stop writing, and a lot of my  family memebers are graduating this year so I have been so busy going to them with work also.  I am happy to say though that after this week I will I will be able to upload more frequently :) and the chapter that I promised you guys is almost ready and should be up tomorrow or saturday the latest and this time its scouts honor!!! Trust me I want to give you guys this story and Isabelle and Aiden are begging for their story to be told 

Thank you guys so much for the continued support for this new story and even for MMLMT I never thought so many people would love my stories! :D Thank you so much again, you guys make me want to continue to give you stories!!!!

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