Chapter 6: Broken

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I burst in through the doors of I.M.A.G.E studios running to the elevator.

Damn i'm late for this meeting and Simon is going to roast my behind I know he is. Today we are meeting with the band thats going to open for T.R.U.C.E on there upcoming tour, this tour is going to be their longest and biggest tour there getting bigger now, there going to perform in stadiums this time around instead of bars and clubs ohh did i mention it was international, I couldn't be happier for my boys.

They have been working hard in the studio with there new album and they are extremely excited for this upcoming tour where they can perform some of the new songs they have been working on. 

I'm waiting for the elevators when someone whispers Boo into my ear. I jump and turn around quickly and who I see makes me smile and mad at the same time. 

"What the frick Luke" I say while smacking him in the chest 

"Frick, really" he laughs 

I roll my eyes and mutter dick under my breath 

"What was that" he said 

"You heard me perfectly well" I said and right then the doors to the elevator opened

"finally" I sigh out and me and Luke hop into the elevator 

I look at my phone and I see that i have three missed calls from Simon and two from Aiden, I groan  looking at my phone 

"I'm in deep shit" I mutter out

"Come one Izzy your just a little late" he looks down at his phone and and then cringes 

"Ok, maybe your  like 45 minutes late" 

I roll my eyes "I'm not the only one late" I look at him and smirk 

"Why were you late " I ask

He gives me one of those lazy grins that makes all the girls panties melt, and if i wasnt so pathetically in love with my best friend then he would make my own panites melt. Out of all the members Luke is the one with the most secrets, the one with the saddest eyes. He was the last to join T.R.U.C.E but he has become the closet to me, not as close as Maisy and Aiden but close enough. He looks like he carries this guilt around him all the time sometime i just want to give him a hug.

He looks up at me with a little smirk and i already know what he is going to say.

"I was vacumming" he winked when the elevator doors opened

I looked at him weird, because that was actually the last thing i expected him to say, a vacumm what the hell is he talking about I know Lucas and the last thing he would do is vacuum but when I hear him chuckle it all clicked, ewwwww gross  I scrunch up my nose, and looked at him disgusted 

"That is way to much information" I scuff out while both me and him walk out of the elevator

"Isabella" I hear Simon scream

I cringe at his scream, and the bastard that Luke is he just laughs while he heads towards the meeting

"What's up Simon" he says

"Your late" he grumbles

"I know I was busy with a  vacuum" he chuckles out 

I cringe again hoping that Simon didn't get that joke I really hope he didn't get that joke. 

"What the fuck are you talking about Luke, get your ass in the meeting" He yells

Simon is a hard ass and that's why he is so good at his job sad to say, another sad thing to say is that he might be a jerk but he is loyal to a fault and loves T.R.U.C.E as much as I do, and I know deep down in his heart he loves all of us as if we were family, so thats why I let him go when he is an asshole. His parents owned this label complany and passed it on to him, and he brought it up higher. Did I mention h was really good looking. I mean he is an asshole so its only fair that he's good looking too. His wife Lucy though is the complete opposite from him she is the nicest person I ever meet, I dont know how those two got together but hey if it works for them, hey works for them and who am i to judge.

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