Chapter 11: Strangers

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I fall asleep to Macy rocking me back and forth.  I fall asleep to memories of me and Aiden.  How can so many years of friendship and love end in shambles? End in just memories of us?  I'm afraind to wake up because I know what awaits me once I open my eyes.  Heartbreak, Aiden doesn't know it or maybe he does but he is slowly destroying love for me. The bus halts to a stop and I know I can't avoid everyone for long, because we finally made it to our first stop Boston.  I look to my right and I see that Macy is not in bed anymore.  I look at the clock and see that it already 5 in the afternoon.  The concert start at 8 that means we dont have long to get ready.  I need put aside my hurt and work with the band no matter what happens between me and Aiden I have three other guys that I love like family depending on me to make there dreams come true.

i get up from the bed and walk towards the door, but before I open the door to go and face my reality I let a tear fall before putting up walls that I should have put up a long time ago.  The tear falls. I shudder once. Close my eyes. and open the door.  

Once i open the door all I hear is ruckus. Macy yelling at Ryder to stop eating her fries while he just laughs and takes another one. Christian and Luke are both playing the guitars and I know the song they are playing its one of my favorites from there album Love Destroys.  I love that song it is so hautingl beautiful, I remember when Aiden wrote it, he wrote it when he had a really bad break up with Tiffany his ex girlfriend of 3 years, she cheated on him while we were still in highschool,  that was also the time i knew i had lost my heart to Aiden and there was no turning back. When Aiden was still a boy that I loved in the shadows of friendship.  


Junior year of highschool

I knock on the door to Aiden's room, I hear his guitar playing I know he's in there. I came from school as soon as I heard what happened between Aiden and his girlfriend Tiffany.  I cant believe she did that to him, they have been dating for three years, made plans to go to college together and everything.  

I know he's in there but he doesn't answer so i slowly open the door, and see him on the edge of the bed with his guitar and creating this hautingly beautiful tune with it, and then the words came

It burns through my veins 

under my skin

making my heart stop 

a one time thing thats meant to be 

but in the end it destroys 

Love destroys 

Right then and there i know he's in pain. That he realy loved Tiffany and that she destroyed his heart with her betrayl.

I walk into the room slowly, and close the door behind me quietly, but i guess not too quiet becuase he head shoots up and his eyes are red and boodshot and my heart breaks because Aiden never shows emotion and for him to be here and showing me I know that he's really hurt

"Izzy" he whispers brokenly

"ohhh Aiden" i say back and i walk to him  and sit next to him and grab a hold of him, his guitar drops and he wraps his hands around me and breaks all over again we lay down on his bed and i cradle his head to my chest while he cries his heartache out.  We lay there for the rest of the day and the night.  

Laying there i realized that i loved this man with all of my heart and his pain is my pain and that he is the one for me. My soulmate.

Flashback ends

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