Chapter 5: I will always need him

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"Damn" I mutter out while I look at my phone

I know he means what he said that he's going to come but how the hell am I going to face him after last night

I told Macy to go on for me today just so I could get a break in, I wasn't ready to face him yet especially after what happened last night the way he touched me and the way my body burned for him and how we fit each other perfectly with each other like a perfect puzzle.

I groan and throw myself backwards on my bed staring at the ceiling. How the hell am I going to move on if all my memories are with him if we are with each other all the time.

It hurts all the time with him, my heart is in pain constantly and love should not be like this, well maybe love that is requited and not supposed to hurt like this. It's just not easy to turn off the switch and be like hey I'm going to get rid of all my feelings for you and just be friends like you want.  

"Isabella you need to come to terms that he does not want you, after that you will be ok" i mutter to myself and close my and before I know it darkness consumes me.


I wake up suddenly when I hear noises coming from my living room and some muttering, I look around and see that everything is dark around me, wow i guess slept for a long time. I'm still lost in my thoughts when again i hear the ruckus outside my room and the muttering.

I get up from my bed and slowly walk to my door, who in the hell could possibly be in my apartment at... I look to my alarm clock next to my bed and see that its just after midnight. I open the door slowly so I won't cause any attention towards my room.  If there is a serial killer out there this would be a very bad idea, but since i'm still kind of tired if I do get killed i'm going to blame it on my sleepiness.

I slowly walk out of my bedroom, and down the hall, when I see a huge dark figure approach at the end of the hall, I scream and run right back into my bedroom and shut the door, I look around frantically for something but everything is dark I can't see shit and I can't turn on the lights because that would just bring him in here faster.

I hear banging on my door and I let out a yelp. Great Isabella just attract more attention that you are in here why don't you. 

"Izzy" I hear on the other side of the door, and I sag with relief it's Aiden, after it finally sets in that it was Aiden i become angry 

"What the fuck Aiden, you almost gave me a heart attack" I yell and smack him on the chest

he makes an umph sound and mutters out a damn

"geez I'm sorry Izzy, but you have so many god damn things around here that I can't move with bumping into things"

I roll my eyes " why didn't you just turn on the lights dumbs" and with that I turn on the lights in my bedroom 

"I wanted to surprise you, and plus I thought if you knew it was me you wouldn't open the door" 

"Aiden you should have just knocked or called"

"I did call remember and I told you I was coming" 

I turn back around and go to my bed

"Izzy" he whispers out my name

I look up into his eyes and I see confusion in them. Join the club buddy

"Whats wrong" he says while he walks to the bed

"Nothing" I mutter out 

"Stop lying Izzy, Is it because what happened last night" 

I gasp, he remembers about last night, I don't say anything 

"Look Izzy, I was drunk and high, I didn't know what I was doing I am so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I never want you to feel that way with me, I didn't mean any of it, and it will never happen again, it was a mistake me touching you that way" he says 

and with every word he says my heart breaks

"It was a mistake" I whisper out brokenly not looking at him

"Exactly a silly mistake" he says back

He grabs my chin and looks into my eyes can he see how hurt I am by his words, how they are tearing apart.... how now in my head all i hear is that I was a mistake to him.

"Izzy" he whispers my name out again while his hands wraps around my throat and his thumb ribs over my pulse. Can he feel how fast my heart is beating?

His eyes travel to my mouth and then back to my eyes and my breath catches.  

Please kiss me please

He leans forwards 

Yes please

and then again he looks into my eyes again 

Then he closes the gap but instead of kissing my lips he kisses my forehead and his lips stay there and his fingers tighten around my throat in a comforting way like he trying to hold himself back from doing something, I close my eyes and breath him in

He pulls back and looks at me again and he swallows hard 

"Lets go to bed Izzy" he rasps out 

I just nod my head and lay down, he stands up goes to my light and turns it off, comes back and I hear a piece of clothing drop on the floor and I know its his shirt my covers move then and comes in and pulls me to his chest

"I love you, Izzy"  he whispers in my ear

I shut my eyes tight and try to hold the tears back but it doest work because a tear escapes my eye. How I wish I can hear those words when he means them in some other ways. I also found out in that moment that I will always need Aiden no matter what.

I am well and truly fucked 


Finally! I updated here is another chapter

I am so so sorry it's been so long that I have updated on this story and I miss Isabella and Aiden so much I have been so busy my cousin came with a surprise visit so I had no time what so ever to sit and write, but now i'm free hopefully

I can't say when I will update again but lets hope it won't be as long as this last time 

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I want you all to love these characters as much as you loved Xavier and Athena because they all hold a special in my heart 

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