Secret mate

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Natsu's POV
After Luce and I broke apart from that unforgettable kiss, I looked at her , needing her , wanting her under me , wanting her to forever be my mate. " Luce I need to tell you something very serious okay ??" I said to her starring into her beautiful chocolate brown eyes " okay natsu , what is it ?" She said " so you know I'm a dragon slayer right , well we go through a time period that lasts about two weeks called mating season, that's when we find someone we have strong feelings for and make them our mate" I said waiting for a reaction " so natsu are you asking me to be your mate or just informing me that it's coming? " she said " well both really , but I'm not done expecting yet. So a mate to a dragon slayer is like a marriage,but stronger the dragon slayer will only have eyes for his or her mate for his or her lifetime, it's impossible to cheat or change there minds. And if a mate died the slayer wouldn't be about to replace the mate or get a new one " I said hoping she understood
" so it's a bond stronger the marriage , and what happens after a dragon slayer finds a mate do they still have mating season? " she asked probably wanting all the information she can get " a dragon slayer can find a mate without it being mating season and after the first mating season with the mate the slayer will no longer have mating season " I informed her
" so how does someone become a mate to a dragon slayer? " she asked I blushed at her question
" you see um the slayer and the mate must have sex and during the climax the slayer will bite the mate on the neck marking him or her so that other slayers will know that , that mate is there's ." I stated feeling a bit uncomfortable " so you want me to be your mate ? " she said while blushing . It's so cute when she blushes like that , ugh I can't stand her cuteness I thought to myself " yes Luce , I want to spend the rest of my life with you , to protect and love you until I die , please will you be my mate " I ask hoping she'll say yes " natsu I'd love to be your mate but can we wait to make it official until tonight , I just need to prepare myself first , I mean I'm still a virgin " she said blushing again. I was shocked she even said yes " Luce , I'm still a virgin too so don't worry and of course, I'll wait until your ready you don't have to rush yourself into it , I'm just happy that you said yes " I smiled at her and hugged her Kissing her on the forehead . " natsu , I want to be with you as soon as possible so I want to make it official tonight, I'll make dinner and see were it goes from there " she smiled at me. I wanted to melt right then and there.

Lucy's POV
So I'm extremely happy that natsu wants me to be his mate , he basically asked me to marry him. I couldn't believe what was happening , wait how will the guild react and I think this news would kill Mira oh my mavis I'm freaking out " um natsu, I think we should wait to tell the guild about us until we get back from the resort , I don't want Mira dying on vacation " I yelled to natsu while I was making breakfast , natsu was packing my bag for me , I already laid out the cloths I wanted to bring I just needed him to put it in my bags for me while I started breakfast " I think that's a good idea Luce , people might freak out if we told them " he yelled from my bedroom. " natsu when we're done eating let's head to your house to get you packed for the trip " I said finishing up on breakfast

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