A Cure For Poison Part 2

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When I got back to Moonlin, I saw the main room was empty. I looked around the mansion and didn't see anyone anywhere. I got into the theater room and saw Finn and Arc huddled together over a table. Arc looked over at me motioned for me to come over. I walked over the chairs in the theater room over to Finn and Arc. 

"What's going on my dudes?" I asked

"Well Mac has a knife and is roaming the house trying -" He cut his sentence short and put a finger to his mouth to shush me. He motioned for me to hide under one of the chairs. I hit the ground and crawled under the theater chairs. I could see Arc a few rows behind me hiding as well. Finn looked around wondering where we where.

"Guys, where are--" A bloody knife came out Finns stomach. Finn dropped to the ground on his knees and then face planted into the ground. Mac crawled on top of Finn and started stabbing him in his back. The knife cut right through his soft flesh and blood splattered all over the chairs and walls of the theater.  Mac looked around the theater, scanning the area for us. Her eyes locked on to me under the chairs and I bolted out of there.

  I ran through the halls of Moonlin hoping to get away from her as fast as possible. Luckily, Moonlin Mansion was huge so I had many places to run. But, Mac would find me at some point or another because she had blocked the gates, leaving no exit from moonlin. I took a right and then a left down the main hallways, making a beeline to my room. If I could only just grab my knives, I would have a chance of defending myself against mac. I opened the door to my room, but tripped over the floorboards. I could hear loud footsteps closing in around me as I struggled to get up. I risked a look around my back and there she was.

  I looked at the looming shadow above me. Mac made a swish with her wand and all my limbs felt like they were made up of anvils. I could barely move as I tried to crawl away from her. It felt as though I was swimming in maple syrup. "Pathetic" I heard Mac say. She took out her dagger and crouched down over me. She smiled as she raised the dagger above me. I braced myself for death but didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes and saw that Arc was running down the hall with his ak-47 in hand. He started firing rounds of bullets at Mac. The air was filled with the sound of cranking military artillery as bullet shells were fired into the air. Suddenly, I got full control of movement back as the curse wore off me. I reached my hand out and summoned my knife from under the bed. As Mac was distracted with Arc, I ran away. I found Macs room and burst in the door. I started going through all her desk drawers until I found it. It was a gray wand with a red button on the bottom of it. This wand would take me down to earth, but I had to make sure to get Arc before we teleported down. I ran back down the hallway to where Arc was, only to find that he had been punctured and mangled multiple times by Mac. His internal organs were littered across the floor and blood was splattered all along the walls. I pressed the button and teleported down to Earth. 


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