A Cure For Poison Part 1

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Owain Smith

Timeline: 67, 1954

File number: 26

I woke up with a gasp and looked around my room. I was glad I was out of that hell of a dream. "It was just a nightmare" I thought to myself. I felt cool streams run down my body and noticed I was sweating intensely. I got up out of bed and looked at the clock. It was 4am. "Perfect" I said. I got up and put on my navy blue sweatshirt. It was a little baggy but I didn't care, it gave me more mobility in combat. I looked under my bed and summoned my knife out from under there. The green circle in the middle of it glowed as I held it in my hand. I flipped it around a few times and put it in my pocket. I brushed my green-dyed hair out of my face and teleported down to Beacon Academy.

I hated school but I figured it would give me more experience in combat. On Earth, my name was Olivine Green. It was a temporary name so people wouldn't find out my true identity as a god. I walked though the front gates of Beacon to my first class which was sparing. With the vital tournaments coming up soon, I knew I had to practice. I ran into class, five minutes late, hoping no one would stare at me. Luckily I managed to slip through huge crowd of students in the training room. I looked down at the sparing pit and saw two first years battling it out. I checked the screen located at the side of the room which read that I was next in line, fighting a man named Stylo. 

I walked down the stairs into the sparing pit. Stylo walked down the stair case opposite me. It was at that moment I got a good look at him. He had a blood red cape and a black circular hat made up of bamboo rods. He was also equipped with a black trench coat and a flute. I heard the sound over the intercom that said we could start. I whistled and my knife floated out of my pocket and duplicated itself so I had multiple knives floating around behind me. Stylo took out his flute and began to play. The sound coming from it was hypnotizing and made me sway. Stylo stopped playing his flute, ran at me, and kicked me in the face. He then proceeded to back away and start playing again. This time however, I managed to snap out of the trance and command ed three of my knives to target Stylo. He managed to dodge the first two but the third one hit him directly. I saw his Aura flash and drain dramatically. Just then he activated his Semblance and he managed to summon boulders using his flute. He threw the boulders toward me but I fired my grappling knives at them. I flew forward, landing on each boulder until I reached Stylo. I did a double kick at him to the face and watched as his aura depleted to zero.

I started to walk away from the sparing room until I heard Arc in my head. Gods had a way of communicating through the minds of people, kinda like telekinesis. 

"Hey Owain, we got a problem with Mac up here in Moonlin, she's kinda being a sociopath and stabbing things over and over." Arc said.

"Okay, I'll  be up there in a sec. She's probably just bored." I replied.

"No, Owain she's brought humans up there and started stabbing them. I mean they're just humans but still it's getting annoying to hear them scream." Arc said in a serious tone.

"Alright, alright" I said.

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