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Heart of (almost) stone.

Sometimes, late at night, I go downstairs to the computer and look for updates about blindness.

Articles will show up, research will be shown, but all of it I've heard a million times before.

I sit in front of the computer and type in what I want to know (I had memorized the keyboard when I was twelve in middle school, it was an extra credit class my mother signed me up for. It was a very ugly and dull class.)

Before I do anything I turn my automatic speaker off. When I log in as myself  she begins to speak loudly so instead of letting her speak I turn her off so my parents don't hear her scream WELCOME! to me.

Yes, her, I named her Luci, short for Lucifer. I am aware that the devil was male, but in my opinion she is just as bad. For reasons, somehow only I seem to understand.

My mother loves her, she claims that Luci is one of the best things ever created for blind people.

I could argue with her till the cows come home.

I don't even know what that means, but I could do it.

When I first get on the computer and type in blindness and go to the news section I am full of hope. I expect some miracle cure to show up while Luci reads me the recent news and then by the end of the night I am broken hearted to hear nothing.

Part of me thinks that Luci's voice might even be more sad than when we began.

I guess sometimes even the devil has a heart.

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