The audience thought so to, by the way they were chatting.

"Oh dear, It must be broken."

"It has been a few weeks, the developers and Master must have failed at making It."

"What a shame, we were all waiting for It, only to see this scrap pile of metal and flesh."

Watching Them, I saw how They was staring at Their Master, almost an emotion in Their eyes. Delirious seemed like he was stiff, like It didn't want to be the way he was. But with one click from the Masters button, his- I mean, Their vocal chords began exhaling air, singing a familiar tune.

"Beautiful Now" by Zedd was being played from Them, or Delirious, the same way the other Ones sang Their songs. It seemed robotic, the voice of it dead and even. Delirious didn't move, the Master must have not been moving his controls. I mean Their. They looks so lifelike and masculine, it seems only natural to call Them a him.

As the notes were being played, a saw a tick from Their arm, and I looked back again to the the Master frowning. Looking back, I saw how Their eyes began moving around the audience, a look in the eyes of Them.


Ones don't have emotions. Ones can't judge people. Confusion overtook me as I saw They did have an emotion. They was still partially human, but They was in development for weeks. Seeing a few more ticks from him, I heard a grunt from the middle of the last row, before a click of a button was heard again.

The click made sparks fly from Delirious, and he ticked more. Smoke began coming from him, as his voice began changing. His voice, actually changed to a voice. Not a robotic sounding one, but an actual voice. It was deep, yet not too deep with a light air to it. He kept hitting the notes, but it actually sounded like different notes. The original song itself was sung by One, so even it didn't have different notes.

More ticks from him, more sounds of a button being hammered by a palm. A few grunts from the master, a little bit of a more human like voice, a few confused gasps and talks from the audience.

"Whoah, how..? How the hell..?" was all I could utter. My eyes had widened with wonder, unlike horror like the rest of the audience. My mouth had gone slack, staying wide open. I began leaning forward in my seat, my limbs almost too frozen to do anything with. Delirious began bleeding around the metal, dark blood seeping through his clothes.

Delirious kept looking around, and eventually his eyes landed on mine. His eyebrows frowned in confusion, and he tilted his head. Before we could even look at each other for more than five seconds, steam erupted from him, sparks flying everywhere. The entire stage was overtaken by smoke, and people ran back from the front seats screaming, while I stayed put. When the smoke got about a foot in front of me, and I was a good twenty feet from Delirious, I stood, almost backing up. Before I could though, the smoke had already overtaken me.

Coughing, I looked around, seeing flashes of lights through the smoke as screams sounded behind me. I could still hear sparks flying, and Delirious kept singing. This time there was no trace of robot in his voice, and before I could run, darkness corrupted my vision.


"... And now, everybody cheer for the newest arrival, the One we've been waiting for, Delirious!"

As my body stood stiff and straight on the stage, I could hear the audience silencing. The curtains pulled back, and broken lights blinded me for a second before my eyes were forced to get used to them. My face was straight, no emotion at all, but luckily the metal and wires around my eyes were loose.

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