Chapter 4: Adventures!

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I never slept the whole night. I needed to find a way out of this book.

I know what happens.

And it's not pretty...

Morning came slowly, I was so tempted to wake up Marty for some fresh clothes and to discuss my problem with him.

I was not too fond of James, he's been a jerk to me, but I can understand. Since he lost his parents in a situation like this. They took in a stranger, and well... the stranger turned out to be an assassin...

This is only the beginning of the book, I can tell, but this means something bad is coming.
And soon.

'Knock knock'

"Come in!" I shout.

"Hey Jewels, how are you? I brought you a fresh set of clothes... I noticed you needed fresh ones... Sorry they aren't girly... I didn't know what your style was." He puts the clothes down on the desk shyly.

"No problem Marty. I'm good. Thanks by the way. We need to talk, may I change first?"

"Of course! You may go back to the bathroom and take a shower, or bath, whichever one you prefer!" He says, his face going bright.

"Thanks." I smile and step past him to get to the bathroom.

I have a shower, and I notice a fresh towel and note set inside of the sink.

"Here, Marty forced me." The note reads.

I giggle and dry myself off. I then check out the clothes.

A pair of knee-high rainbow striped socks, a pair of denim shorts, not tight fitting as they're men's, and a plain white T-shirt and I kept my black sneakers on. Considering they have no women's clothes, it's surprising that they have a pair of knee-high rainbow striped socks.

I put my hair in a messy bun, yet again, and wrap my evil eye bracelet around my wrist.

I go back to the study and pick up the book with the dried leaf in it.

I meet up with James and Marty in the living room.

"I need to discuss something with you guys." And I slam the book down on the coffee table.
And plop myself down next to James on the couch.

"That suits you! Love those knee-high socks girl!" Marty says as he hands me a cup of coffee.

I giggle and take a sip of coffee. "Morning to you, James."

"Morning. Read the books I see." He says, eyeing the book I dropped on the table.

"We need to leave for Sun Rock City soon." I say taking another sip of coffee.

"What! How do you know about Sun Rock City?"

"I've read this story before." My face turns serious.

"We need to meet the protagonist of this story."

"Excuse me? What story?" Marty asks.

"Finding the Forbidden."

James puts his coffee on the table, "I don't understand."


"Trust me, we need to convince her to not go to the Woods of the Forbidden." I pick up the bag Marty had supplied for me and pull out a bottle of water.

We had been traveling for three hours now. One more to go.

"Why?" James persists.

"Just trust me." I say, not wanting to spoil too much.

I climb back in the back of the 4x4 James's dad had once owned, "Now let's get going. Only an hour left."

"Alright. But... would it be too much to ask what our part in the story is?" Marty asks, climbing in the back with me.

"You guys are the main sidekicks. Now enough about the story, let's get to it!"

I had convinced myself that the only way to leave this book is to complete the book, so it'll be like the book, but I'll just be guiding the boys and the protagonist.

We get going again... one more long hour to go.


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