Newt [11:13 pm]: well that's a good thing after all :)

Newt [11:13 pm]: it means you can get to be so romantic you want to

Thomas [11:14 pm]: why do you think of me like I am some hopeless romantic ?

Newt [11:14 pm]: don't worry it's kinda cute :)

Thomas [11:15 pm]: kinda?

I waited anxiously for him to reply... it was like he was typing for ages... A thing that didn't quite help my nerviness like at all. And then finally his reply showed up...

Newt [11:16 pm]: the person you'll end up with is one lucky piece of shit

It was rare to hear - or is this case read - Newt swear. He occasionally did it of course, but most of the time he was trying to not swear that much. However something about his reply was odd... Like he was jealous? I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was definitely weird... Of course, it brought my hopes up. I wanted Newt to jealous of this person that didn't existed. I wanted him to be this person I could take on romantic dates and stuff.

Thomas [11:20 pm]: I guess maybe

Thomas [11:21 pm]: I hope they appreciate it though

My heartbeat quickened as I saw the bubble with the three '...' in it that meant Newt was typing.

Newt [11:22 pm]: I would appreciate it

His reply left me absolutely speechless. Was this flirting? I mean it definitely was at the border from platonic to romantic, he definitely didn't mean it in a friendship way, because to be honest, there wasn't a possibility that you could take it in platonic way. Still I was unsure how to reply, but then I decided to command all the courage and typed my reply and later blame it on me being tired. Even if I wasn't even near to being tired since Newt has started to talk to me.

Thomas [11:24 pm]: is that an invitation to take you out on a romantic date?

His reply came too fast, too confident and definitely too quick for me to have recovered on his first flirting text.

Newt [11:24 pm]: depends

Thomas [11:25 pm]: on what?

Newt [11:25 pm]: do you want it to be an invitation?

Thomas [11:26 pm]: depends

Thomas [11:26 pm]: what do you want?

This time it took him long to answer. Like he didn't quite know how to behave on this situation and to be honest... I didn't even know what I was doing here either. Part of me just wanted to fall asleep and forget that this even happened in the first place - the other part of me wanted to drive to Newt and kiss him right now.

Newt [11:29 pm]: how does this friday sound to you?

Thomas [11:30 pm]: at five pm?

Newt [11:31 pm]: pick me up at my house

Newt [11:32 pm]: i give you the address tomorrow at school

Thomas [11:32 pm]: it's settled then

Newt [11:33 pm]: do we call it a date?

Thomas [11:34 pm]: I'd call it a date tbh

Newt [11:35 pm]: glad to see we're on the same page

Newt [11:36 pm]: I want flowers btw

Thomas [11:37 pm]: that wasn't part of the deal??

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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