chapter eight

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"He is broken."

For Newt it got better with every day. I ended up being right and people at our school had started speculating about otherwise instead of our relationship, which we were both more than thankful for. After everything that we've been through let alone this week, I was more than happy that weekend was finally there.

Since Minho was still not talking to me (he ignored all of my messages) and Brenda was clueless as I was, so I invited Newt over to my house. I was more than glad, as he said yes, even though I felt like my mums were more excited about this as I was.

They were probably both already shipping us - including Aris, who sang stupid child songs the whole day. (However I had made him promise to me he would not do anything like this when Newt was there, I just hoped he'd stick to that promise, because otherwise my friendship with Newt would probably have gone to an end pretty quickly.)

"Thomas, just admit it, you're in love," mum said with a smile. "It's like you need to be ashamed or anything. I'm really sure that person, you're crushing on is really nice."

I blushed in a deep shade of red. "Mum! I may have developed a small crush on Newt, but this is really embarrassing."

"Awww, our little boy is growing up," mama added with a smile at me. "I ship you two so much honestly, I feel like a teenage fangirl again."

"Mama! You are both unbelieving, this is so embarrassing, like actually stop it," I half-shouted, my blush only getting deeper.

Before any of my mums could embarrass me even further, I was saved my the ringing of the doorbell. I jumped up, muttered a quick 'sorry' and then ran along the floor towards the door. 

Opening it I was greeted but Newt who smiled at me. "Hey, Tommy." 

I was certainly not prepared of how amazing and absolutely stunning he looked when he wasn't wearing his school uniform. Dressed in a dark blue skinny jeans and a pretty simple sweater, he still managed to look miles better than everybody else I've ever seen. (Not fair)

"I have to warn you, my family is weird, so please don't be scared away, they are lovely, when you get to know them closer," I warned him with a small chuckle. Without even asking Newt had already linked arms with me, as I lead him into the kitchen. 

Arriving there, I waved at my mums. "So that's Newt and please be nice to him."

"Hi, I'm Jasmine and that's my wife Madelyn and I hope that Thomas hasn't told you anything bad about us," mum introduced herself and smiled at Newt. "Oh and we have cake. If you boys want anything later, then just go to the fridge."

"Yeah, we got that, we'll be in my room," I said, leading Newt upstairs into my room and being really relived as I had escaped my family that shipped us - hopefully Aris wouldn't make a comment today.

"Your family seems to be nice though," Newt told me with a smile, while we were sitting down on my bed. "They aren't that weird actually, more like amiable."

"You don't know them, that's why," I replied, laughing. "They get weird, when you get to know them better. Not something I would recommend."

Newt chuckled - an angelic sound to be honest. "Yeah, maybe, but still... I like your room, it's so... aesthetically pleasing."

I laughed at his description of my room, even if it was probably the best way to put it. All over the walls were photos, quotes and other things. One wall was completely covered in a book shelf, in the other corners stood my bed and my desk. Next to the book shelf was my closet - where I hid until two years ago. 

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