Chapter 6

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The fighting had gone on for months.

One day, I didn't put the car in the right parking space and Dean came home drunk out of his mind. I couldn't even believe he was standing.

"It's all your fault!" He was screaming and that whisky bottle was still in his damn hand.

He took another sip to finish it off. He looked at it and threw it right at my head. I ducked before it could hit me.

"Next time you won't be so lucky Castiel." He said with a cold tone.

"Okay, I get it, you're mad. I'm gonna go for a walk, okay Dean? Stay here, don't try to take the car, just stay here. I love you."

"Fuck off." He said going to grab another bottle.

I grabbed my coat and was out the door.

I felt awful. I know I shouldn't left him back when Sam died but I did fell somewhat responsible for Sam. I felt like this was my way to make Sam happy.

I didn't get a block from my house.

I heard a car screeching behind me I turned around and was instantly blinded by lights.

The next thing I remember was I was on the ground. Dean was getting out of the car. He saw me and started freaking out. He called someone or maybe he was just holding the bottle. I don't remember that well.

The next thing I remember was sirens. Everything started to go black. I could hear Dean screaming.

Oh how I loved him.

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