Chapter 1

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My name? My name is Castiel. My last name isn't important at this point of the story.

I grew up in a small town with many siblings, and I mean a lot of siblings. I wasn't the oldest, and I wasn't the youngest. Hell, my parents had so many kids that it was so easy for us to sneak out.

They were always worrying about the babies, or the 1 year olds.

I went to a small high school with only 400 kids. Now, the first two years I didn't really have friends. Not because I was bullied, or an outcast, I just threw myself into my school work, making sure I could get in to collage.

I did have one friend. Her name was Charlie. Every day at lunch, we would sit in the back of the cafeteria. I would be doing some school assignment and she would play and ramble about a video game.

That all changed when I was 16.

A boy by the name of Dean Winchester moved to our small town. He was the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. With his brown, short hair and big, green eyes and that perfect smile.

On his first day he had no trouble at all fitting in. Girls were going crazy over him, the football players were talking non stop to him, even kids who I had never even heard speak were talking about him.

The next week or so I was walking out of lunch a little earlier than normal to go to my locker, when Dean and I ran straight into each other. It was the most embarrassing thing I've done in a long time. Books went everywhere, I was on the floor, Dean was holding his head.

Sometime later I ended up out at his house where we fell in love. And I wish I could say that was the end of the story and it was all happy. But it's not.

Fast forward some years later where Dean and I are in collage. We got a apartment together and lived so happily. We had Chinese food every Tuesday and it was great.

One weekend, Deans little brother, Sam, was going to go on a hunting trip. He invited Dean but I begged Dean to stay with me because I didn't want to be alone for the weekend. Dean turned down the offer and stayed with me that weekend.

That night we got a call at around 3 am, that said Sam had been in a hunting accident. I was asleep until Dean's phone went off. Dean and I grabbed what we needed and we got in that old 1967 Chevy Impala and drove as fast as we could to that hospital.

Dean ran to go see his little brother. A doctor came up to me and asked if I was Castiel and I said yes. He explained to me that Sam had died durning surgery.

Fast forward a few months later.

Dean became very depressed after Sam died. He starting drinking, coming home at 3am, punching walls, everything you could think of.

Well, one night Dean came home more drunk that I had ever seen him before. I was so scared. He was screaming at me, saying that it was all my fault, and that if he had gone with Sam that night he wouldn't be dead.

I calmly told him this wasn't my fault. He kept a screaming, so I told him I was going to go for a walk. I told him stay away from the car and sit down.

A little bit after I started walking I turned around and saw headlights.

It all happened so fast. I turned around only to be blinded by a car light. There was a loud crash, and I was on the ground. Looking at that 1967 Chevy Impala.

I couldn't move and I could barely breathe. I told him to stay away from that damn car.

Dean stepped out of the car and saw what he had done and got on on the ground holding me. He called 911 and tried to get help. Oh he tried. I know he loved me.

This is the story of how Dean and I fell in love and this is how it ends.

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