Chapter 4

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Dean and I got into the car. We pulled out of the drive way on Dean turned on the radio.

"Hell yeah!" he said and turned it up very very loud. I jumped a little when he screamed.  I must of looked confused because he turned and asked if I knew the song. Of course, I had no idea what the song was.

He told me the song was called 'Eye of the Tiger', whatever that was.

He sang at the top of his lungs. I couldn't help nut smile at the sight of him.

He had one hand on the wheel, the other up in the air. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. He would look back at me from time to time. He was smiling from ear to ear.

By the time I knew it, we were at Dean's favorite place. It was a cute place, you could say. There were a ton bikers.

"Hey Dean. How have you been, dear?" the woman with brown hair behind the bar said waving her hand.

"Hi Ellen. Good, you." he said walking to a seat in the back of the building.

"You and Sam better not be getting in trouble now, you hear?" she said pouring a drink for some woman who had way too much to drink.

"Yeah I hear." he said sitting in front me.

The booth were we sitting in was red. It wasn't the most comfortable thing I've ever sat in but it wasn't the worst.

A slutty waitress came me up to our table and asked what we wanted to drink. I couldn't hear what she was saying at first because she was smacking her gum. Her name was Amberly. Well, that was what the name tag on her chest said.

Her shirt wasn't even buttoned to cover her boobs, which by the way where hanging out of her shirt. She asked Dean what he wanted while twirling her hair and giving him the most innocent smile ever.

It was funny because I knew that mouth wasn't innocent.

He got a beer and I got a milkshake.

"Not a drinker?" he said.

"No? I'm not 21, I mean have you met me?"  I said.

Amberly came back to our table, which I'm pretty sure she was showing more boob now, with our drinks. She placed them down, turned around and winked.

We finished our drinks and Dean payed.

We got into the car and Dean started to take me home.

"Where is it again?" he said looking up and down the road.

"Just here." I said pointing at the house on the right side.

He drove right past it.

"Dean, my house was right back there. Dean, do you hear me? You missed it." I said frantic because he wasn't listening to me. he just kept driving.

"Yeah yeah, I heard you the first 20 times." he said still driving.

"Then what are you doing?" I said not taking my eyes off him.

We drove for another 15 minutes. I had no idea where we were going. We pulled up to a small play ground.

Dean parked and got out of the car but I didn't move.

He opened the trunk and got a three blankets and starting walking over to a spot near the slide.

I, of course, didn't move.

"You coming?" he said waving his hand over to the spot where he was sitting.

I slowly got out  and started walking where he was.

He had a blanket on the ground, one on him self and was holding one out for me. I took the blanket and sat on the ground, but a few minutes I ended laying on the ground looking up at the sky. Dean ended up doing the same.

"Look at the sky, it's so pretty." he said so happy.

"Mhm." I said not wanting to talk because I was too busy looking at the stars.

I turned my head to look at Dean. He was still looking at the sky in amazement.

After awhile of looking at the stars, making out very very much, Dean thought it best if we call it a night.

"Dean this is my house." I said pointing at the house coming up.

"Okay." He said pulling the at into park.

"So, thanks for everything Dean." I said getting out, but I felt something pull my arm back and next thing I know I'm on top of Dean.

"Wow," he said "I didn't mean to pull back on you that hard.

I could feel his breath on my cheek.

"Are you really going to kiss me here?" I said not moving an inch.

He didn't say anything. Our lips crashed together. We were like a puzzle. We fit together perfectly.

Soon after everything, I got out of the car and made my way up to my room.

I shut the door behind me and got ready for bed. I shut off the light and laid there for just a second.

I thought about everything that had just happened. I went to bed with a smile on my face that night.

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