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“Riley this is stupid. we have no leads as to where Kitters could of gone.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that I saw her go this way?” Riley said as we hiked up a hill.

“Well what if she decided to go another way?”

“What if she is still going this direction Scarlett?”

“Why havent we found her?”

“Maybe she doesnt want to be found. Shut your pie-hole Scarlett you might scare her away.”

“Don’t cats usually come back to their home?”

“Well sometimes.” Riley says. I put a hand on his shoulder.

“We should let her go Rye. She’ll come to us when she’s ready to. She’s not much of a child anymore. And we need to let her live a little.”

“She’s a house cat.”

“But she’s also a cat, Which means she will want freedom.”

“Oh well-”

“Come on. Lets just go to your place and watch some thing on tv. I don’t feel like going home and dealing with my mom.”

“You sure-”

“She has a collar. If anyone finds her she’ll be back in no time.”

“So your really staying over?”

“Yeah. I am.”


“Your my best friend Riley.”

“Yeah, well what if I don’t want us to be friends?”

************** well, thats the end. If this story gets alot of attention then i'll consider putting up more chapters. I hope all of you enjoyed this one. Would you guys consider this a sweet short story? It does have a lot of short chapters. Does it need more chapters? Leave comments about this situation as well I would apperciate it. :]**************

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