Give my past a kiss for me

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Hey guys! This chapter has ALOT of dialogue. But its necessary. You shouldn't have too much trouble following it since its just Riley and Scarlett. Oh and theirs Mitchell too. But thats only twice. I must say that I enjoyed writing this chapter. You'll get to see Riley in a whole different light. You might just get a hint as to why Scarlett fell in love with him a long time ago.  Enjoy!


Food was served at 8pm. I couldn’t eat though.  My stomach was in knots with the information Riley had given me. If it was true that Ariel has been Mitch’s ex for the last two years, then why was he talking to her so intimately over dinner? I stared at the two.

“Staring doesnt help.”

“Huh?” I turn to see Riley standing next to me.

“Staring won’t change the fact that he isnt sitting with you.”

“I dont know what your talking about Riley. I'm not sitting.”

“Oh come on Scarlett your as jealous as they come. Staring won’t change the fact that your boyfriend is talking to Ariel.”

”I‘m not jealous.”

”Then what?”


”Confused? not exactly my dear scarlett. Your more three/fouths jealous and 1/4 confused.”

“You thought that up just now?”

“I‘m an expert in emotions. I‘m Dr.emotions. No wait that sounds stupid.”

“You sound like someone who knows about these kinds of things.”

“I’ve had my fair-share of unfortunate circumstances. Scarlett, if Mitch is really for you than he wont disappear with Ariel and make out with her somewhere; If he respects you and wants you that is. You have to let him choose you. Because if you dont let him try and battle temptation on his own and even if you interrupt them, he’ll have to deal with temptation sooner or later. Let him deal with it now.”

“Shut up Riley.”

“Whoa, why the hostility?”

“Because for some twisted reason, You dont want Mitch and I to work out.”

“He’s luck I haven’t busted his teeth in for hurting my best friend.”

“Your friends with Ariel?”

“No, I’m talking about you.”

“You and I arent friends.”

“Yes we are regardless of how much you deny it. I have your back. come here.” Before I knew what was going on Riley was twirling me against the side of the villa.

“What are you doing?”

“Your little boyfriend is doing a little search to see if your around.”

“Well then move!”

“You dont get it. Its your moment of truth Scarlett. If he’s for you he won’t do what I think he’s going to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, Mitch and Ariel are on the move.”

“Your lying!”

“No and there headed this way!”

Riley grabs me be the arm and pulls me onto the darkest side of the 8 foot fence. he holds my face, And before I can protest I feel Riley’s lips on mine. 

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