Lady women chick and her first day of school

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 I woke up to mom’s loud voice and her feet jumping all over my bed. I opened my eyes and looked at my clock and saw that it was barely 6:00am.

“MOM! Are you mental??? It’s 6:00am and I don’t have to get ready till 6:45. The bus doesn’t even come by till 7:45.”

“Yeah but your driving to school and you have makeup to apply silly girl.”

I gasped and got off of my bed way too quickly, “Oh my goodness, I forgot!!”

“I knew you would so I took up the liberty to stay up till you leave my house for the rest of this week.”

“Oh lord.” I said as I sat back down.

“Yup, Get up so I can wrap your hair into this shower cap.”

My mom helped me into my shower cap, let me shower, had me wash my face with the Clinique stuff, take off the shower cap and applied my make-up. All I had to do was put on my clothes and perfume. When I got down stairs my mom handed me a plate of mini pancakes. My favorite.

I walked up to my car by 7:43. My mom Walked up to the Honda,

“knock them dead hunn.”

“hmm… I will mommie.”

“Take care.”

I sped off and when I got to the bus stop there he was. He was bouncing the ball and looking straight at me. I looked at him for a quick second and then I sped off again.

 “YOU HAVE MAKEUP ON??” Aulani asked me with wide eyes

“yup, my mom took me to the mall for a full blown out makeover.”

“you look so hot!!”

“Ha, thanks. You look good too.”

“Aww, thanks honey!”

“we’re gonna rock it today.”

“Are you nervous?”

“Hell yes I am! But having you here with me on this helps ALOT!”

“Good too know, Hey umm… can we take Allana too? Because Mel is still mad at her.”

“yeah of course!”

“okay cool, let me text her.”

                                                      “alright.” I looked at Aulani as she texted her sister. Aulani is so amazing. I’ve known her my whole life. It’s great that she has had my back since way back and she still does till this day. She’s changed so much though. I was always afraid that I would never fit into her life the more popular and prettier she got, that she would leave me for another crowd. But she never did. If I couldn’t be included in something than she wouldn’t go along with it. But I would always get out of something if I knew it wasn’t for me but it was for her.  I’d give up the world up for her. I hope this friendship NEVER ends.

Allana knocks on the door and I unlock the passenger door of my coupe. Aulani scoots up her seat so that Allana can get into the back seats.

“Thanks Scarlett, like a bunch. I haven’t tooken that damn bus since 10th grade. I thought I was gonna go mental for a few seconds. Whoa!! Your hair looks soo pretty!”


“New look?”

“Yeah, I decided that’s time to change things up.”

“Well I can deff tell! You look good!”


“So, this is the sweet ride you were suppose to get for the end of this school year?”

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