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Third person
She slowly fluttered her eyes open and was immediately blinded,"Ahh crap that hurts." 

The sun erupted through the pink blinds and Katie just had to bury her head down further and further under her covers, for protection. She somehow found a stuffie down there in the darkness, she always manages to push them to the weirdest of places.

Once she woke up with a totally empty bed, which was very very not okay. After stressing her little head out for almost five total minutes she located her furry friends all hidden under her bed, with her blank tucked around them. "Damn I'm a weird sleeper" she thought to herself as her thoughts where interrupted by her buzzing phone on the bed side table. 

Hurrying back toward her bed she shut the noisy device off and began her daily routine. The soft carpet felt comforting under her feet as she removed her pink fluffy bed socks, leaving them beside her pillow with her sleeping shirt. The slim figure moved across the room toward the powerpoint, flicking a switch, Katie filled her room with a soft purple light, perfect and relaxing. Her tunes where next on the list. Nothing too hardcore, but enough to get her pumped and ready for a busy day around lawyers. 

Moana, perfect. 

Katie maneuvered her body and continued to dance to the entire song from the moana playlist before getting ready for the challenging day ahead. 

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