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"Taehyung, can I kiss you?"

"W-What?" Taehyung's voice stuttered, his eyes widening is surprise as he shifted in Jungkook's lap. He felt his heart race in his chest, thumping so loudly he thought Jin, who was all the way in another town, could hear it. Jungkook's silence wasn't helping either, so the pink haired boy looked away shyly.

Taehyung had never been kissed in his life. He was 19, yet he hadn't even been in a proper relationship before. Most of his friends were already making out by age 15, heck, Jimin told him his first kiss was when he was eight. Taehyung didn't really think too much about it though, he wanted to save it for someone special anyways. However, being asked so randomly made his heart flutter anxiously.

"Um.. I've never kissed anyone before."


Taehyung shook his head and harshly bit his lip, his grip on the bear in his arms tightening ever so slightly. Jungkook looked at him straight in the eye, completely calm while Taehyung was having a panic attack on the inside. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but in that moment, a cell phone ring resonated throughout the room.

Jungkook picked up his phone to answer it, his brows furrowing in annoyance when a familiar person spoke through the line. Placing the phone in between his face and shoulder, Jungkook picked Taehyung up, earning a small yelp from the pink haired boy.

He laid Taehyung gently back on the bed, but then raised a finger, signaling that he would be back in a minute. Taehyung nodded and played with the teddy bear again, relieved that the kissing situation was over for the moment. Jungkook shut the door quietly, walking down the hallway and into the kitchen to continue his phone call.

"I fucking swear, do you have a timer or something that tells you whenever I'm having a moment with him. Seriously, you call at all the wrong times."

"Oh, so you were having a moment with your little crush? Super sorry I interrupted, will totally never happen again." A sarcastic voice replied, smirking into the phone as Jungkook groaned.

"What do you want, hyung?"

"Don't you remember? You promised we would go out today and I'm tired of waiting in this boring room for you to leave his goddamn house already."

"I hate you, go out with someone else."

"Nope, you said you were going to pay and I'm broke, so hurry up and come back to the dorm. I want to go now."

"Ugh, whatever, fine." Jungkook hung up, putting his phone in his back pocket as he trudged back to Taehyung's room. Before he opened the door, Jungkook heard the weirdest thing he had heard in awhile. He could hear shushed whispers and giggles through the door, and when he opened it, he was met with a sight even stranger than the noises.

Taehyung was crouched down by his windowsill, literally talking to the flowering cactus. Jungkook silently entered the room without Taehyung noticing at all.

"No way, that's too personal, I'm never telling Jungkook that." Taehyung softly giggled, touching the flowers on the cactus gently. Jungkook's breath hitched when he heard his name, but continued to listen to the conversation, if he could even call it that.

"It's probably nothing serious, I'm sure his mother is fine and the phone call was from his friend or something."

Of course, the plant didn't respond, but Taehyung answered like it did anyway.

"Yeah, I'm wondering that too, kissing must mean you really like someone, right? Hmm."

Remembering that he had to leave or his hyung would kill him, Jungkook interrupted Taehyung, "Um, Taehyung, I'm sorry to cut this short, but I really have to go. Can we hang out tomorrow?"

Taehyung turned around, gasping a little in surprise because of Jungkook's sudden presence. He got up off the floor quickly and pretended as if nothing happened between him and the plant. "Y-yeah, that's fine. Goodbye now." Taehyung walked over to Jungkook and pushed him out of the room, embarrassed that the other boy may have heard him.

Jungkook was surprised, but smiled as he was being pushed, saying goodbye before the door shut. Jungkook walked throughout Taehyung's house to find the front door. When he finally found it, Jungkook opened the door to find a small black car waiting for him outside on the street.

After closing the front door slowly, Jungkook ran down the porch steps of Taehyung's apartment quickly, then jogged to the car and got inside. The person in the driver seat didn't even flinch when Jungkook slammed the car door shut, buckling his seatbelt before sighing dramatically.

"Did you have fun, Kook?"

"You're such a fucking cockblock, Yoongi."

"It's not my fault you make promises you don't want to keep."

"Oh, shut up." Jungkook groaned, rolling his brown eyes in irritation.

The mint haired man, by the name of Yoongi, chuckled lightly and started the car. As he began to drive, Jungkook looked out the window, staring at whatever they happened to pass by. When they came to a stop sign, Jungkook noticed a little boy on the sidewalk with his mother. The child held a melting pink ice cream in one hand and his mother's hand intertwined with the other. While watching them, Jungkook couldn't help but be reminded of Taehyung's bright pink blushing cheeks when he had asked if he could kiss him. He let out a loud whine as he pouted in frustration, remembering that he was so close to doing so.

"I was so damn close. Why did you have to go and interrupt it? You ruined my fun." Jungkook grumbled into his hand that his chin was resting on.

"Hm? What did I ruin? Mind telling me what you two were doing anyway?"

"Yoongi, I was literally half a percentage away from doing it with him. You just had to call me in that very moment."

"Doing what? Sucking him off? Cause if you were, you better make it up to him sometime, leaving him in that state is almost a crime."

Jungkook groaned once more, slapping Yoongi's arm before continuing, "No, not that, idiot. I mean kissing him."

"Well, it's not like sucking him off won't happen soon-"


"I'm just saying the truth. You know that I'm righ-"

"Maybe, but still."

"As your hyung, I wish the best for you and your little crush. But anyways, we're here." Yoongi said as he parked the car outside a liquor shop. Turning to Jungkook, he continued, "Now, hand over the forty bucks."

"What? By going out, this was not what I thought you meant."

"You thought wrong, give me the money." Yoongi held out his hand expectantly, wiggling his fingers while he waited for the younger to pull out his wallet. Jungkook did what he was told, and sighed while giving Yoongi the desired amount of money. "Wonderful, now stay in the car while I go buy a nice treat."

"Am I your dog or something?"

"Only if you want to be, but I prefer cats." Yoongi lips curled into a sly smile as he began to exit the car.

"Nope, get your kinky shit away from me and go buy us drinks."

"You're calling me kinky? You have so many kinks that I can't even count them using my fingers."

"I learned from you, hyung." Jungkook winked.

"Touché." The older man said as he shut the car door and began to walk in the direction of the liquor shop.

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