12: ambiguous

Magsimula sa umpisa

Eventually I see those familiar double-doors and enter the library. I grab the doorknob, slowly pulling the heavy door open, poking my head inside to see if anyone else is there. No one. All is silent and still except for a fire crackling in the middle of the room. I step inside and begin scanning the shelves for something that catches my eye.

The library never ceases to amaze me. As soon as I walk in, the sheer massiveness takes my breath away.

By now the tears have stopped and suddenly I feel comforted. Memories of sleeping in Loki's lap resurface along with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. A state of calm takes over and my nerves are put at ease.

I pull a book of the shelf, turning it's pages slowly, until I hear the library doors opening again. Looks like I have company.

I am a dead woman if it's Odin. Or Frigga, for that matter. They don't know I'm here. And I can't tell them Loki brought me here-- they'd go after him because they'd know he has escaped.

As careful as I can, I step back behind a shelf, peering through trying to see who my visitor is. My gaze falls upon a head of long blond hair and immediately I let out a sigh of relief. It's Thor. Curiosity fills his gaze, but once he realizes it's me, any suspicion vanishes.

"M'Lady," Thor greets. "What brings you here?" He gestures for me to take a seat at one of the tables, pulling out my chair for me.

Folding my dress underneath me, I sit down, setting my book upon the table. "I-- I needed some time to think." I look up at Thor again, feeling wistful for my life before all of this. How ignorant I was, to think that I had a difficult life. That's nothing compared to now.

He only nods, taking the seat across from me. We sit together in silence for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Thor asks, his tone pure concern.

I don't know how to answer. I shouldn't lie, he obviously cares for my well-being. "No, not really. There's a lot going on right now." I struggle to keep my voice from wobbling. Having a meltdown right here in front of him is not something I want.

Thor folds his hands on the table. "Is it my brother?"

"Yeah. Sort of."

He reaches out to my upper arm, running his thumb along my skin in a comforting manner. The move takes me by surprise, but it helps me a little. "If he hurt you . . I swear . ." Anger registers on his expression, but there's something else there. Disappointment. He leans back again, running a hand through his hair. "I only want you to be okay here. If Loki hurts you I'll go after him. No one like you deserves to be treated badly. It will be the last time he does something like that."

I offer a small smile, slightly shocked at the intensity and seriousness of his threats. "Thanks, but he-- he hasn't hurt me." I'm unsure how to explain what's going on. "It's just . . . I don't know . . ." I bite my lip. "Things have happened and now I'm just so confused. I don't know what to think about him. I love him but I don't know if I can trust him."

Spilling everything to Thor is probably not the safest move, but I do trust him. "It's a multitude of things, but I saw him kill someone. Right in front of me. It's making me wonder, what's to stop him from doing something like that to me?" I sigh. "I love him, but what if what I'm feeling is one-sided? What if-- what if he's lying?" The tears are back now that I've confessed what I'm thinking out loud.

Thor is quiet for a long time. I look away, focusing on the fire next to me. I'm afraid to hear his reply.

"Loki is far from trustworthy," He begins. "And he's beyond evil. He should be in chains somewhere far from humanity, where he can't hurt anyone. He's . . . dangerous. I knew he escaped before he brought you here, and I should have caught him by now. But I can't because he's my brother. Whether I like to admit it or not, I care about him. I should go after him, but it hurts me to see him suffer.

"The point is, it's the same with you two. His heart has been corrupted, but I believe that somewhere inside of him, there's a little bit of human still. And now you're in his life, and he loves you. I wholeheartedly believe it. He's still greedy and a liar. Those things are part of who he is. But we change for the people we love, just like they change us. You've changed him-- I've seen it. There's an undeniable chemistry between you two, just like you have an undeniable power over him. But if he loves you, which he does, why would he do something like that to you?"

Thor's words melt away any doubt I had about Loki.

"I've talked to him, Allissa. He is so deeply in love with you. It can't be an accident that you were brought here."

The tears are back now. But they're happy tears. Suddenly, I'm one hundred percent sure of what I feel. I do love Loki. I trust him. He wouldn't hurt me. He loves me. My heart swells with content. "Thank you," I say. "That helped. A lot." We both stand up and I give Thor a hug. Kind of a bold move, I know, but I needed it. He pats me on the back gently before smiling again and leaving the library. I stand there for a long time.

Loki loves me.


sorry, no Loki in this chapter :(

but honestly, writing this made me feel so happy. So it's 100% official now-- Loki and Allissa are in love. And this time, Allissa is sure of everything.

I love happy endings. too bad they don't exist. Enjoy your happiness for now.


taken [loki laufeyson]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon