Rise Of Pandora: IX. Long Live The King

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"Again, your grace—" Mors tried saying.

"Do...not...call me that," he said angrily.

"Again, Alareiks Menhara, we truly have little to do with this Confessor uprising. Perhaps in the past, but it has grown into a matter beyond even ourselves. The people of your country are angry, and they have been for a very long time, and now this is the result."

Not acquiescing to Mors's answer, Alareiks Menhara responded, "I will ask once and once last! Why have you lot sullied my home with your presence?"

"We came to have a civilized discussion with the man who has hated us nearly all of his life," Mors said.

"All of my life, yes. And my hatred for you all shall remain long into my afterlife or have you forgotten...it was this very Confessor insurrection that caused my father's death thirty-nine years ago or have you forgotten? I have not forgotten that day. What was that foolish saying you Rare Men always say...oh yes, 'A Rare Men never forgets'. Such rubbish."

"We have not forgotten and we are contrite over what happened to your father. Truly, that was irredeemable. All five of us have reached that consensus long ago and we have not looked back since and that is partly why we wished to speak to you. We want to ease the tension between us." 

More words were spoken between the Rare Men and the Emperor with the Sundarians talking occasionally. They conversed a bit longer, no more than ten minutes or so. The conversation came to a brief pause after Mors requested that both Dinos and Gelasius exit the room.

The brothers complied with Mors's request and exited the room, shutting the door behind them. They were posted as if they were guards. From within the chamber, they listened in on the indistinct voices, some of which could be discerned.

Gelasius looked in Dinos's direction, their eyes meeting soon after. Dinos's brother looked unhinged.

"London...dead? How is this shit happening?" Gelasius, leaning towards Dinos, shook nervously as he spoke.

"Do you think he was found out?" Gelasius released a frustrated groan and a crazed expression after muttering into his brother's ear.

"Shit. This can't be happening, not to London. Of all of us, why London?" Gelasius sobbed, drops of his salty tears plunging onto the polished floor in unending continuations. Gelasius struck the floor with his bottom and sat there wounded, his confident facade unraveling.

Outwardly, the two brothers were alike in appearance. However, upon the subject of their characters, they could not be any different. Gelasius, ever since his early childhood, had been one to uphold honor and dignity.

His brother, Dinos, was unlike in that way. He had always been more objective and cunning, a seeker of ends rather than means. He was fifteen years of age, and his brother was three years his senior. Some time had now eclipsed, but to the brothers it felt like ages. Gelasius sat miserably by the wall underneath the window sill.

Still possessed by curiosity, Dinos pressed his ear against the door every now and again. He sometimes made out what they were saying. There was now silence from the other side of the door. Briefly after, he recognized the shuffling of feet. Dinos, assuming someone was walking towards the door from inside the room, calmly walked away and sat near his brother who lied there drained from the crying.

Both double doors were propelled outwardly and came the Rare Men. Their familiar purple glow lit the room. Dinos, who wore a look of relief, tapped his drained brother on the shoulder and soon helped him to his feet. 

"Hide your tears, brother. You should not let them see you crying." 

Gelasius, still torn up, willed himself to walk. His pale appearance was flushed light red. His hairs were scattered and messy. His ears and face were hot.

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