Act III Scene 1

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In their time,the town's players arrived in the forest where Lilia lay sleeping,concealed by underbrush and fairy magic. They had come here to rehearse their play for the coming wedding's entertainment. Here they would be far away from the town and anyone that might interrupt them.

"Is everyone present?" Seung Gil looked around at the group,sighing deeply as he did so. They were really all he could find in such short notice, and they had managed to work together before.

JJ was also surveying the clearing,though with a much more critical eye,as if deciding if it was up to his standards or if he must make do. "Here is a wonderful and convenient place for our rehearsal. This grassy area will be our stage,that area over there by the trees will be our backstage. "he decided as if he had planned everything, as if it was his job to do so. "We will act our play just as we will before the Duke."

"JJ....." Seung Gil wished for help in dealing with everything,especially the one who seemed to enjoy being a co director if only in his mind. It was often best,in Seung Gil's experience, to let JJ be JJ. As long as they got done what needed to be done.

JJ himself seemed oblivious to Seung Gils's irritation. "What is it,Seung Gil?"

"There are parts of this play of Pyramus and Thisby that people might not like and we have to go over them. " he steadied himself "First Pyramus must draw a sword and kill himself. The audience may not like it at all ,what do you think?"

"That won't go over well." Leo told them

"We should leave the killing out." Guang Hong added. They had to please the audience after all.

"Not a bit, I have an idea that will solve that problem. I will write an excellent prologue that will explain to the audience that we do no harm with our swords." JJ decided, his plans were always the best,that is what he thought "I will assure them that Pyramus is not dead and that Pyramus is actually me,JJ. Then they will not be afraid."

For once it was a sound idea,Seung Gil had to admit. "Write it then,"

"Some will be afraid of the lion,won't they?"Leo was wondering aloud then. It was a concern for him if they were going to entertain.

"I am afraid of the lion." Guang Hong stayed close to Leo, shuddering as he even thought of a lion being near them,though a small,secret part of him enjoyed that image. Maybe if there was one he might be able to fight it. Certainly if it went after Leo......

"Maybe another prologue then,..."Leo started

JJ shook his head. "No,just name the lion,show part of his face through the costume's neck. The lion must also speak, --I would tell you,or I would request that you -not be afraid,not to fear or tremble for I am not a real lion and on my life I would harm no one. You must also tell them that you are Minami and not a lion. "

Matters were getting quite complicated, but Seung Gil pressed on. They had a lot of work to do before the wedding. " Then do that too,now Pyramus and Thisby must meet by moonlight. Do any of you know if the night will be clear enough for our play to have the necessary moonlight?"

"I am certain there will be." JJ spoke up quickly. "But we will need some sort of window on our stage to allow the moonlight to shine on our stage."

"Or we could have someone come in to represent moonlight." Seung Gil said thoughtfully. Anything to make this play work. "We also need a wall since Pyramus and Thisby talk through a hole in a wall."

"We can't bring in a wall." Leo felt fairly certain they couldn't do that "Can we,JJ?"

JJ thought for a moment before deciding "Then someone will have to pretend to be the wall,stretch out his arms and let Pyramus and Thisby talk through the fingers of his hand."

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