Act 2 Forest and Fairies

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In the forest outside the town on this night,there were fairies and other such folk among the trees. Most of them had matters they must attend to,going about their business as they did every night. On this night two were meeting by chance, a a bright and pretty red haired female fairy named Mila and a shorter,brown eyed and brown haired male fairy-one who was well known in this forest. He was known for being quite mischievous,always ready to have fun even if it was at someone's expense. It was his nature. Dressed in the brown and green of the forest,a crown of leaves on his head,skin a rich tan tone and though he did not seem to have wings that did not stop him from being where he wished to be when he wished to be there. They were both creatures of the forest,of the trees,the plants,the flowers and animals that lived therein but Mila was not one to wander beyond the forest unless it was expected of her,perhaps an order from the King or Queen to whom they owed loyalty. Phichit on the other hand was very much his own keeper. Having a habit of doing much as he pleased, more than what was expected.

The fairy creature who called himself Phichit ,though he had other names,smiled upon seeing the other fairy. "Mila, where are you going this night?"

Mila was a bit flustered," I have wandered through the forest in service to the Queen. Now it is my duty to place dew on the grass,the leaves and the flowers. Our Queen will be arriving soon and I must be back to my duties."

"The King is to be here tonight as well so it would be best to warn the Queen to stay out of his sight. Yakov is angry that she has stolen away that poodle away to give her company. She has never had such a happy and attentive companion and jealous Yakov would have the dog to wander the forest with. But she keeps the pup from him,crowns him with flowers and makes him the source of all her joy. Now they never meet in a clearing,or by a clear fountain under bright starlight. All their elves hide in fear of them." Phichit warned her. it was true the King and Queen had once been happily in love,now Jealousy has torn them apart. A sad fate.

"If I am not mistaken are you not the shrewd and mischievous sprite that some call Robin Goodfellow? The one who frightens maidens in the town,souring milk,making good drinks lose their bite,misleading wanderers in the forest and laughing at their misfortune? They call you Phichit,. Are you not him?" Mila was certain of it,all in the forest knew of him

This made Phichit quite happy, "I am that merry wanderer of the night you speak of. "he was also very proud of that fact. "I joke and make Yakov laugh, and sometimes I hide among those who gossip making one spill their drink or have one mistake me for a chair and with a well timed departure cause a woman to fall to the floor on her bottom. The whole of people observing will laugh until they can scarcely breathe. It is a wondrous spectacle to behold. "he found himself laughing even at the memory. At least until something caught his attention. "Yakov is coming and you should go." He warned the fairy.

"My mistress is here also. I wish he would leave." Mila complained,she did not wish to observe their meeting. Not with such animosity between them. But as she feared they were both approaching the clearing. Both dressed in the finest of royal mystical garments,crowns upon their heads looking every inch the rulers they were. They arrived and stopped,both glaring at the other. "

Yakov,King of the fairies was not at all pleased to see Lilia here. " By what misfortune do I meet you here tonight,proud Lilia?"

" Jealous Yakov,I have no want of your company on this or any other night." she returned with an austere attitude.

" Am I not your King?" surely he would not be pushed aside.

"Then I am your Queen,even though I know how you slip away from fairyland to play with other women,those much younger and fairer than myself. "she shot back "Did you not favor even the maiden set to marry Takeshi?"

"And did you not attempt such matters with Takeshi himself? You have no right to accuse me of what you yourself has done." Yakov returned, he was not about to concede defeat in this contest of wills.

"It is only your jealousy speaking. You and I have not met in quite some time, in turn the lands have suffered in our absence. A fog clouds the land,rivers swell and overflow their banks,the corn rots in the field,the ground thick with mud, no mortals wish to winter here. The moon who governs the floods grows pale in anger washes the air ,causing sicknesses. The seasons themselves have altered, frost covers the crimson rose,there is ice on the summer buds. Spring,summer,autumn and winter mock us by changing their ways. It is all because of our debate,our dissension. " Lilia as far from impressed and refused to marked as the cause of their misfortunes.

"Will you end it then? All I ask is that puppy as my companion." he was quite insistent on this matter. He was the King and none should defy him.

"He is not mine to give. He once belonged to a loyal follower of mine,it is for his sake that I care for the pup."

"How long will you be in these woods?' Yakov wanted to know, if he was going to continue his plans to obtain the dog.

Lilia shrugged "Perhaps until after the wedding. If you see us under the moonlight,come with us. If not,leave me be and I will spare you my presence."

"Give me that dog and I will go with you." Yakov had not given up,would not give up

"Not for your kingdom," she turned to her fairy attendants "We will leave this place."

There was anger in his eyes watching Lilia and her attendants leave the clearing. But he had an idea. "Gentle Phichit, do you remember that night I sat upon the rocks,listening to a mermaid on a dolphin's back and her song that calmed the sea and caused the stars to fall?"

"I remember." it had been quite the sight. He drew closer to the fairy King.

"I saw what you did not that night. I witnessed Cupid shooting an arrow out of his bow,and where it fell there grew a flower once white that is now purple in color. Changed by Cupid's arrow, now they call it love-in-idleness. Bring me that flower. If one drips its juice upon the sleeping eyelids of man or woman they will fall madly in love with the first creature they see upon waking. Bring me that flower quickly."

It sounded like wonderful mischief his King was up to, and Phichit would never lose a chance at such fun. "I will be there and back before the hour." With a smile he was gone.

Yakov stood alone in the clearing,plotting. "With this juice I will wait for Lilia to sleep and drop it onto her eyes. The next thing she sees as she wakes,be it lion,bear,wolf,monkey or any other animal she will pursue it with the force of love. I will remove it only when she gives me that dog. " then he heard voices,others were approaching this clearing. "Who comes here now. I will be invisible to them and hear what they are saying."

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